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Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

Other products in Beauty | Hair Care - Shampoos
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Best price: £6.12 (32% off)

Product Summary

  • TREATS THE CAUSE OF DANDRUFF - Nizoral treats the 3 main scalp symptoms by relieving itching, removing flakes, and soothing inflammation
  • STARTS WORKING FROM THE FIRST HAIR WASH - Nizoral is a clinically proven dandruff treatment that starts working from the first wash, to leave your scalp free from dandruff
  • ACTIVE INGREDIENT THAT GETS TO THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM - Nizoral is formulated with Ketoconazole to treat the cause of dandruff
  • HOW TO USE To wet hair, apply a small amount of shampoo; Work into a lather and leave on for 3-5 minutes; Rinse thoroughly; Use twice a week for 2-4 weeks
  • THE RESULT Feel more in control of your dandruff from the first wash

Product Attributes

  • Width: 3.3 Inches,
  • Height: 7.6 inches,
  • Weight: 60.0 grams,
  • Length: 1.9 inches,
  • Size: 60 ml (Pack of 1)



Compare with other product in Hair Care - Shampoos category

Product Review Analysis*




42.4% 9.1% 48.5%

Senti score  [51.5%]

* hover your mouse over a word to see more details
horrible annoying glad flake recommend completely stopped free suffered stringent great tingling excellent result unaware that was depressing good amazing sincerely recommend excellent happy itchy stubborn dandruff bold phenomenal thicker flaky works brilliantly

Pros & Cons

excellent result

"excellent result!"

works brilliantly

"i was having trouble with acne on my head and it works brilliantly"

sincerely recommend

"i sincerely recommend it"

really good

"for the price it is it's a great buy and will easily last a few months as it lathers up really good"

absolutely amazing

"this stuff i absolutely amazing i had dandruff for years also dry skin on face at times this completely cleared it up in one week make sure you leave it on for the full 5 mins i only use it every other week now"

absolutely phenomenal

"absolutely phenomenal"

very effective

"i have used nizoral for years as a very effective anti dandruff solution but also as an addition to my hair loss regimen"

short of amazing

"this shampoo is nothing short of amazing"

great shampoo

"nizoral is a great shampoo that comes highly recommended"

please vote

"please vote for my review if you found it helpful"

pleasant bonus

"my hair always has more body after i use it too which is a pleasant bonus"

bold guarantee

"such bold guarantee which i've found to be true"

very happy

"as reccommended to keep on top of it am very happy with this product so far"

silky smooth

"i highly highly recommend my forehead use to look like braille and now it’s silky smooth!"

clear and healthy

"within 2 weeks my scalp was clear and healthy for the first time in years"

lasts ages

"you only need a small amount so the small bottle lasts ages and it leaves my hair smooth which is a bonus"

highly recommended

"i bought this item several times when i first bought my dandruff was terrible and nothing was clearing it so tried this shampoo as came highly recommended and it works"

nizoral works

"nizoral works"

pretty damn good

"as a shampoo it's pretty damn good removing all traces of styling product and creating a nice shine"

recommend this stuff

"a big thumbs up and i cant recommend this stuff enough"

worth the money

"well worth the money"

massive difference

"i use it once a week now alongside a normal shampoo and it's made a massive difference"

centre close

"so i put it on my problematic areas as well as my hair as i have black hair and usually dandruff at the centre close to my hairline"

completely cleared

"i did this every other day for a week and the area completely cleared up!"

reall well

"works reall well"

packaging instructions

"arrived in official packaging instructions are clear i use it three times a week and the smaller bottles are useful for taking on holiday"

anti dandruff solution

"i have used nizoral for years as a very effective anti dandruff solution but also as an addition to my hair loss regimen"

nice shine

"as a shampoo it's pretty damn good removing all traces of styling product and creating a nice shine"

healthier than ever

"hair loss has now slowed to minimum and my scalp is healthier than ever!"

smooth which is a bonus

"you only need a small amount so the small bottle lasts ages and it leaves my hair smooth which is a bonus"

difference is remarkable

"i even use this on my beard and my moustache where i had real probs with flaky skin and red irritation and the difference is remarkable"

helpful ingredients

"i reviewed all the available options and the helpful ingredients listing that it gives and nizoral seemed promising so i tried it"

recommend it enough

"i am so so happy with this product for fungal acne and cannot recommend it enough for this purpose"

weekly uses

"i'm now on the 1 2 weekly uses to keep it away"

preety impressed

"bought this on a whim after looking at a few products and am preety impressed with it "

would be excellent

"i only i could buy this in 200ml+ bottles for cheaper that would be excellent but overall this product is the best shampoo for both of the above ailments"

found it helpful

"please vote for my review if you found it helpful"

recommend my forehead

"i highly highly recommend my forehead use to look like braille and now it’s silky smooth!"

dandruff free hair

"standing in the shower for 5 mins waiting for it to work is a faff but a small price to pay for dandruff free hair"

dandruff cleared

"after two uses my dandruff cleared"

look no further

"fungal acne sufferers look no further!"

best shampoo

"i only i could buy this in 200ml+ bottles for cheaper that would be excellent but overall this product is the best shampoo for both of the above ailments"

safely say it works

"i use this once a week and have been using for a while and can safely say it works!"

again when needed

"will buy again when needed"

with a skin specialist

"worked 100% for me who must’ve just had dandruff & not something that may need further consultation with a skin specialist"

have since

"i have since bought another bottle and use it in rotation with normal shampoo about once every two weeks"

internet posts

"i had read a lot of internet posts whereby people claimed the bumps had gone overnight such has not been the case for me"

comes highly

"nizoral is a great shampoo that comes highly recommended"

later and i found this

"a bit of research later and i found this"

promising so i tried

"i reviewed all the available options and the helpful ingredients listing that it gives and nizoral seemed promising so i tried it"

stubborn dandruff

"i have been suffering with stubborn dandruff and seb dermatits i've tried everything and this stuff works"

completely stopped

"after using it the first time skin was a little flaky still but after 2nd time it's completely stopped"

that was depressing

"probably lack of sunlight on my skin but i developed pretty horrible dermatitis on my face that was depressing"

flaky scalp

"had an itch flaky scalp for ages usually from wearing a wooly hat working outdoors through the winter and sweating "

lack of sunlight

"probably lack of sunlight on my skin but i developed pretty horrible dermatitis on my face that was depressing"

does n't clear

"seriously chuffed as it was embarrassing having it on my shoulders & the snowing effect 😂 think it states on the box or bottle somewhere that if this doesn’t clear in the allotted time then you don’t have dandruff & should consult a dermatologist"

seems thicker

"i'd go as far as saying my hair seems thicker too as my scalp is healthier that might be just me though !"

fairly weak

"if you're unaware of nizoral bring used for hair loss it has been shown to be as effective as 2% daily minoxidil and while that is still fairly weak it does make a noticeable difference over time"

versicolour red patches

"i bought this shampoo as i read online that anti dandruff shampoo could be used to treat pityriasis versicolour red patches that i have had on my chest and back for a few years "

rather annoying

"one thing i’m not keen on is the size £5 for a tiny bottle is rather annoying i don’t see it lasting long at all and would like to see a bigger bottle just to keep dandruff at bay"

prevent setbacks

"i like to do a ketoconazole mask every now and then once every two weeks so as to prevent setbacks"

waste money

"so please don’t waste money on this and go to the doctors"

flakey scalp

"i have suffered from bad dandruff itchy flakey scalp for the last 10 years"

flake free

"he was flake free after 4 5 washes and now only uses it twice a month to stave it off"

tingling sensation

"first time using this it felt like a very light tingling sensation as if something was happening"

seoborhic dermatitis

"i suffer with seoborhic dermatitis which effects my scalp eyebrows and ears"

little sores

"i even have a itchy patch on my chest that turns into little sores"

nothing worked

"nothing worked"

unaware of nizoral

"if you're unaware of nizoral bring used for hair loss it has been shown to be as effective as 2% daily minoxidil and while that is still fairly weak it does make a noticeable difference over time"

scratched my head

"i'd literally have a little snow storm whenever i scratched my head"

itchy and flaky

"nothing worked on my scalp no matter what product i used my scalp was constantly itchy and flaky!"

regular searches

"so i was quite surprised when i stumbled on an article online in one of my regular searches for products against dandruff recommending nizoral"

suffered with dandruff

"having suffered with dandruff for years i'd given up trying to sort it head and shoulders etc"

talc or dry shampoo

"however i will take greasy hair over flakes any day because it is quick to fix with a dash of talc or dry shampoo!"

dryness flaking

"my skin has returned to it’s normal slightly oily state & all dryness flaking is gone"

before washing

"i use this product every other day lathering it into the problem areas on my face and leaving it for around 5 mins before washing off"

with no luck

"i get really dry skin and have tried using various shampoos that claim to get rid of dandruff but with no luck"

a dry scalp afterwards

"11 months on i battled dandruff with any dandruff product that as much as have a 3 star rating including h&s but to no avail and always got a dry scalp afterwards that enables the dandruff the more"

second batch no dandruff

"i'm three months in using my second batch no dandruff and no more itchy scalp"

have no dandruff

"now i have no dandruff!"

could no longer

"i've had to stop going the barbers and started cutting my own hair could no longer wear black shirts"

take greasy hair

"however i will take greasy hair over flakes any day because it is quick to fix with a dash of talc or dry shampoo!"

really dry skin

"i get really dry skin and have tried using various shampoos that claim to get rid of dandruff but with no luck"

not immediately apparent

"do not be discouraged if the results are not immediately apparent during the first few days of treatment"

n't have dandruff

"they say if after following the instructions and you don't get the result you seek then you probably don't have dandruff"

n't need much

"it is a small bottle but you don't need much"

little stringent

"it can also be used for some kind of fungal acnes but best to see a doctor as this might be a little stringent or drying!"

stings like heck

"take care not to get it in your eyes as it stings like heck and it is quite drying on the skin so moisturise properly afterwards"

suffered from dandruff

"i hadn't suffered from dandruff since i was a teenager but unfortunately it returned over the past year"

like no other

"i was a bit worried as a few people say they've have bad reactions to it but i can honestly say i've had no issues and it's worked like no other"

gave it a try religiously

"i gave it a try religiously"

makes it brittle

"the downsides to nizoral are that it says out my hair and makes it brittle so i do have to counter it with a lot of conditioner"

hair greasy

"one thing i noticed and saw in other reviews is yes it does make hair greasy quickly"

every 3rd and 4th wash

"because the bottle is so small i actually water it down slightly to make it go further and every 3rd and 4th wash i will use another shampoo then go back to this one"

struggled with

"reviewed by my daughter after looking at other reviews i ordered this to try and clear up the fungal acne bumps on my forehead which i have struggled with for years"

struggled like

"this product is 100% worth a try if you struggled like i did"

downsides to nizoral

"the downsides to nizoral are that it says out my hair and makes it brittle so i do have to counter it with a lot of conditioner"

hair loss treatment

"i've read that the main ingredient in nizoral ketoconazole can also be used as a hair loss treatment for androgenetic alopecia"

flaky and dry and itchy

"been using head and shoulders for years and it just didnt work my head was flaky and dry and itchy and had big plaques used this once left it on for five minutes and instantly the plaques were reduced and the itchiness greatly reduced am going to use it 3 times a week and then every week and two weeks"

slows down

"i'm not sure if it's making a huge difference but these things take time so i will keep using it for now in the hope that it slows down shedding"

pretty horrible

"probably lack of sunlight on my skin but i developed pretty horrible dermatitis on my face that was depressing"

work straight away

"it gets to work straight away"

plastic prongs

"i applied this by thoroughly scrubbing it into my scalp with a palm brush basically a circular hairbrush with rigid narrow plastic prongs "

Top positive statements

Statement Strength**
"Absolutely phenomenal." 96.2%
"Nizoral is a great shampoo that comes highly recommended." 93.1%
"This shampoo is nothing short of amazing." 91.7%

Top negative statements

Statement Strength
no data!
As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Positive mentions

Mentioned Object Mentioned in Strength
no data!

Negative mentions

Mentioned Object Mentioned in Strength
no data!

Emotion analysis

Positive tone

Neutral tone

Negative tone

15.2% 45.5% 39.4%
  neutral 45.5%
  worry 27.3%
  happiness 12.1%
  sadness 12.1%
  relief 3.0%

* analysis performed using Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, data for the analysis has been gathered from multiple publicly accessible sources.
** strength is the level of sentiment expressed in a sentence, phrase or keyword. It ranges from 0 to 100%
prices and sales statistics are updated daily

last analysis update 2025-03-23