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in Books | Romance

The Corner Shop in Cockleberry Bay

Best price: £1.99

Rosa Larkin is down on her luck in London, so when she inherits a near-derelict corner shop in a quaint Devon village, her first thought is to sell it for cash and sort out her life. But nothing is straightforward about this legacy. While the identity of her benefactor remains ..




68.2% 8.1% 23.7%

Senti Score  [76.3%]

Sea of Memories

Best price: £2.79

In 1937, seventeen-year-old Ella’s life changes forever when she is sent to spend the summer on the beautiful Île de Ré and meets the charismatic, creative Christophe. They spend the summer together, exploring the island’s sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters, and, for the fi..




86.8% 6.9% 6.3%

Senti Score  [93.7%]

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The Corner Shop in Cockleberry Bay

lovely happy great highly enjoyable incurable romantics absolutely brilliant love dull awful characters brilliant crude poor quite dull disappointed weak boring characters

Sea of Memories

repetitive simply beautiful absolutely brilliant boring love happy great disappointed beautiful overly descriptive autistic enjoy rushed pairs really beautiful difficult difficult circumstances

Compare Cons

bored with in both products

"stopped reading this half way through as i became bored with it"

could not put it down in both products

"could not put it down"

very short time in both products

"i started this book with mixed expectations but was gripped by its characters in a very short time and continued to care about them to the very end"

quite dull

"i found it really quite dull and not well written at all and i’m just curious how this book is up there in the recommended lists etc on amazon kindle?"

awful characters

"awful characters really awful grammar don't waste your money on it"

boring characters

"this was a very poor story boring characters and story line"

just terrible

"just terrible"

real disappointment

"this book was a real disappointment"

really awful

"awful characters really awful grammar don't waste your money on it"

poor specimen

"i would not class this poor specimen of literature as a "best seller""

quite boring

"not one character was believable and the whole book was quite boring"

really lazy

"there is some really lazy writing although the plot could have been the makings of a great book"

quite crude

"it was for me an unlikely story and in parts quite crude"

totally ruined

"the story itself is really nice but totally ruined by the telling don’t bother it’ll infuriate you!"

crude language

"what jars is the crude language which doesn't sit well with the characters and is totally unnecessary"

with dementia

"i bought this book as a carer for 2 parents with dementia and i could not put it down"

totally superfluous

"it was utterly ruined by totally superfluous sex "

struggled to finish

"i thought this was going to be an enjoyable however was disappointed struggled to finish it"

language attitude

"in this book the bad language attitude and overall storyline tested my patience to say the least"

thoroughly unlikeable

"for me the issue is the main character who is thoroughly unlikeable"

writing is dull

"the story idea and setting are all okay if very standard stuff but the writing is dull and lacks any kind of originality"

promiscuity and adultery

"it was therefore unexpectedly disappointing after listening to the sample which gives no clue that the content will be a constant story of promiscuity and adultery running through the story line"

rather crude

"i thought the writing was very poor and it was rather crude in places which i just found cringy"

promiscuity adultery

"the original mystery of the inheritance of a cottage by an unknown benefactor demishes and in my opinion sadly looses entrigue as it's overtaken by the promiscuity adultery and deceit that the characters base their whole lives on"

dreadful quality

"that however does not excuse the dreadful quality of writing this book contains"

made me cringe

"the references to her friend jack daniels made me cringe it may suit an aging rocker like keith richards but a slightly naïve girl in her early 20s?"

mixed expectations

"i started this book with mixed expectations but was gripped by its characters in a very short time and continued to care about them to the very end"

unbelievably frustrating

"format is unbelievably frustrating i thought my kindle was broken until i noticed others mention it"

grief tears

"mystery romance grief tears and kept you waiting till the end can’t wait to start the second book by this author"

became engrossed

"as an older reader i wasn't sure when i started reading this whether i could relate to the story but soon became engrossed"

occasional error

"the only thing that let it down for me was a technicality it wasn't proof read properly as there was an occasional error"

were implausible

"the characters were implausible even in my wildest imagination and the plot was shallow and ill thought out"

relationship problem

"i can appreciate the relationship problem but not the jumping into bed with someone you have known for ten minutes!"

orphan rosa

"orphan rosa has been left a shop in a seaside resort"

predictable ending

"this is a light easy to read book with a predictable ending but that is the kind of book we need to read at times and for one of those times i would recommend this book!"

were so superficial

"i didn’t even finish it because the characters were so superficial"

pointless details

"but there was the frequent mistake of including too much irrelevant material for example involving the dog "hot" and also the pointless details of for example the making of a cup of coffee"

avoid this

"make sure you turn off one click ordering to avoid this"

ignored completely

"so trite and predictable and serious plot developments glossed over or ignored completely"

horrible person

""get out of my house you horrible person" seemed an out of character thing for a man to say"

felt rushed

"even that felt rushed"

other disappointment

"the other disappointment is the complete lack of editing which results in a total and annoying hotchpotch of pages being justified on the left and then the right and page breaks half way down and whole pages dedicated to one word and alternative words that the author couldn't decide on at the time both being left in together and run ons of dialogue from one character to another appearing on the same line etc etc"

very superficial

"the whole thing seemed very superficial"

most ridiculous

"i found it crass vulgar with the most ridiculous of story lines the book seems to be aimed at giggling teenagers who don't mind reading about "shags" "badger's fanny" etc etc"

senseless decisions

"characters are scatty at best often spiteful and selfish in the extreme making senseless decisions"

only problem

"only problem was finishing it"

became bored

"i just became bored despite the many good reviews from other people"

complete lack

"the other disappointment is the complete lack of editing which results in a total and annoying hotchpotch of pages being justified on the left and then the right and page breaks half way down and whole pages dedicated to one word and alternative words that the author couldn't decide on at the time both being left in together and run ons of dialogue from one character to another appearing on the same line etc etc"

poorly written

"really really poorly written and i don’t mean the woeful typing page breaks and inaccurate hyphenation"

being harsh

"maybe i'm being harsh "

badly written

"pages are left half filled words unnecessarily broken in two and linked with a hyphen and it is badly written"

wasted nonetheless

"the only saving grace is that it is a short read but time wasted nonetheless"

little hot dog head

"rosa and little hot dog head for the devon countryside and their next adventure"

nosey buggers

"no secrets and some nosey buggers but it was a good way of life and i sometimes miss it"

very average

"what really impresses me is the marketing and hype surrounding what is in fact a very average nothing special sort of book"

wasted my money

"i may have wasted my money this time but i now know not to buy anything else by this author"

weak mistery

"written in an easy to read style didn't get me interested in its shallow story and the weak mistery that tries to spice the boredom"

harsh that

"well i thought that may be some of the reviews were a little harsh that was until i had read this book"

rather predictable

"it was a nice enough story but rather predictable"

some potential none

"plot had some potential none of which was realised"

trouble makers

"failed to predict the trouble makers and was surprised by the whole thing"

rushed and predictable

"however it had a rushed and predictable ending"

pesky thing

"the sort of book you hate to put down but that pesky thing called work gets in the way!"

poor start

"having had a poor start in life in care then a series of dead end jobs she makes her way to cockleberry bay to have a look at her inheritance"

waste your money

"awful characters really awful grammar don't waste your money on it"

predictable and weak

"simplistic predictable and weak"

ridiculously easy

"it was a ridiculously easy read whilst on a sun lounger but i’ll stick to my psychological thrillers from now on!"

unrealistic voices

"i could not use my imagination on voices or my own interpretation of how things were said by the characters as the unrealistic voices of the men in the story did not make me like or dislike them just made them lacking in any personality"

harsh words

"a few harsh words i think but none the less true to life"

leave a book unfinished

"i found this book so bad i didn’t finish it and it is rare for me to leave a book unfinished"

much irrelevant material

"but there was the frequent mistake of including too much irrelevant material for example involving the dog "hot" and also the pointless details of for example the making of a cup of coffee"

last forever

"really good read wanted it to last forever "

gave up half

"so predictable i almost gave up half way through but persevered and there weren't any surprises"

story weak

"story weak and characters little or no morals "

nothing special

"it's nothing special really"

lack of care

"lack of care in the writing"

shame as the storyline

"shame as the storyline could be good if written better"

borrowed it originally

"borrowed it originally through prime reading"

giving bad reviews

"sorry i don’t like giving bad reviews and maybe if i was a lot younger i would be less cynical so maybe younger women would enjoy it"

trouble putting it down

"a throughly good read i had trouble putting it down and was sad when i finished it"

total and annoying

"the other disappointment is the complete lack of editing which results in a total and annoying hotchpotch of pages being justified on the left and then the right and page breaks half way down and whole pages dedicated to one word and alternative words that the author couldn't decide on at the time both being left in together and run ons of dialogue from one character to another appearing on the same line etc etc"

childish quality

"the writing did seem to have a childish quality to it as mentioned by several other reviewers"

disliked this book

"i really disliked this book"

confirm suspicion

"read to end to confirm suspicion!"

shallow and ill thought

"the characters were implausible even in my wildest imagination and the plot was shallow and ill thought out"

negative review

"i hate to leave such a negative review but feel its more than justified in this case"

time wasted

"i persevered and read it to the end which didn’t take long but even that felt like time wasted"

totally unnecessary

"what jars is the crude language which doesn't sit well with the characters and is totally unnecessary"

enhancing story

"didn't like language and sexual references not enhancing story"

writing was very poor

"i thought the writing was very poor and it was rather crude in places which i just found cringy"

constant story

"it was therefore unexpectedly disappointing after listening to the sample which gives no clue that the content will be a constant story of promiscuity and adultery running through the story line"

trite and predictable

"so trite and predictable and serious plot developments glossed over or ignored completely"

thinking the good are

"thinking the good are bad and the bad are good people"

raping women

"little did i realise it would be full of young women having sex with anyone that looked at them sometimes in exchange for rent and lewd men having affairs and raping women"

inaccurate hyphenation

"really really poorly written and i don’t mean the woeful typing page breaks and inaccurate hyphenation"

could n't guess

"what more is needed a family story with unusual twists you couldn't guess at!"

that ruined

"too full on about sex good enough story but that ruined it"

sometimes miss

"no secrets and some nosey buggers but it was a good way of life and i sometimes miss it"

no spoilers here

"no spoilers here"

n't spoil anything

"a feel good book that ended as i expected but didn't spoil anything"

failed to buy the spot

"i have recently read a few books which failed to buy the spot and was getting to the point of giving in finding something that would draw me in"

author doesnt

"great author doesnt disappoint and wondering which one to pick next off to read a review and choose"

no space ships

"this was not my usual type of book not science fiction no space ships"

spiteful and selfish

"characters are scatty at best often spiteful and selfish in the extreme making senseless decisions"

bother it 'll infuriate

"the story itself is really nice but totally ruined by the telling don’t bother it’ll infuriate you!"

only trouble

"the only trouble is i can’t put it down"

kinda predictable

"this was an easy wee read but kinda predictable"

sloppy and unprofessional

"as picky as this might sound proper editing is essential for the reader's enjoyment of the work and quite frankly to publish a manuscript in this state is unforgivably sloppy and unprofessional"

aging rocker

"the references to her friend jack daniels made me cringe it may suit an aging rocker like keith richards but a slightly naïve girl in her early 20s?"

no discernable plot

"apart from the mystery of who bequeath her the shop there is no discernable plot"

unnecessarily broken in

"pages are left half filled words unnecessarily broken in two and linked with a hyphen and it is badly written"

predictable love story

"this is a predictable love story with very little excitement in the whole book"

were no taxis

"the author can’t keep her facts straight for one: it’s a white van now it’s a green van a character got a lift because there were no taxis but then a chapter later the trip was taken in a taxi"

n't take long

"i persevered and read it to the end which didn’t take long but even that felt like time wasted"

does not allude to this

"the sample audio does not allude to this"

n't really pinpoint

"can't really pinpoint it"

could not put this down

"wow i could not put this down"

hardly any swearing

"i liked that there was hardly any swearing"

sounded the same

"sorry did not like the narration found the female doing it obviously could not do male voices so they all sounded the same and used a drawling way of speaking which put me right off"

found it boring

"found it boring and it the author has to rely on sex and bad language in order to sell a book then she really shouldn't bother writing at all"

fictitious for words

"plot a little too fictitious for words"

completely baffled

"completely baffled how this book has been awarded 5 stars!"

could not stop reading

"could not stop reading it"

language a bit coarse

"i found the language a bit coarse and it didn't appeal to me :"

were n't any surprises

"so predictable i almost gave up half way through but persevered and there weren't any surprises"

sadly a stark reminder

"it's true to life but sadly a stark reminder of the promiscuity out there running through the generations"

read a bad book

"they say life is too short to read a bad book how true so i haven’t finished it and don t intend to"

very little excitement

"this is a predictable love story with very little excitement in the whole book"

frequent mistake

"but there was the frequent mistake of including too much irrelevant material for example involving the dog "hot" and also the pointless details of for example the making of a cup of coffee"

detracted from the story

"however generally its development is slightly disappointing with a great deal of crude seemingly unnecessary and less than artistic sexual content which i found detracted from the story"

times and irritating

"this was not as good as i thought it would be predictable at times and irritating at times"

dead end jobs

"having had a poor start in life in care then a series of dead end jobs she makes her way to cockleberry bay to have a look at her inheritance"

could n't t care less

"i also wish i had ordered a sample before paying rosa’s very detailed sex life just deters from the story which if better written would have been interesting and while i was interested at the beginning of the book to find out who her benefactor was now i couldn’t t care less"

a grown up novel

"the dialogue is appalling and is worthy of a school play not a grown up novel"

questionable morality

"poorly written with a mindless storyline unbelievable characters with questionable morality"

read it rot yourself

"i could not put it down please read it rot yourself"

spoil the journey

"the ending was predictable but didn't spoil the journey there"

were muddled

"sentences were muddled and sometimes there would just be one word on a page"

definate no from

"a definate no from me"

come out of nowhere

"a pleasant read but sometimes the pacing of the plot was a bit odd problems come out of nowhere are drawn out for long periods with nothing happening and then suddenly solved conveniently in half a paragraph some plot 'twists' are also super obvious while others serve no real purpose"

never read

"i bought this book ages ago but never read it"

worst book

"quite right i think it's probably the worst book i have ever read and i did read it all thinking it may get better!"

sucked in the characters

"it had lots of twists and turns it kept you on your toes and totally sucked in the characters were very believable it was easy to read in fact once i started it i couldn’t put it diwn"

awful this

"i can only think that by the recommendation "the book that everyone's talking about" means they are actually talking about how awful this is"

rosa josh titch

"i wanted to find out what happens to rosa josh titch and mary"

crude and clumsy

"the writer will no doubt argue it all goes to the psyche of the heroine of the book but it is crude and clumsy and detracts from what should be an enjoyable tale"

hard to put it down

"hard to put it down"

much romance

"too much romance and not enough mystery"

enough mystery

"too much romance and not enough mystery"

hate to put down

"the sort of book you hate to put down but that pesky thing called work gets in the way!"

bother writing at

"found it boring and it the author has to rely on sex and bad language in order to sell a book then she really shouldn't bother writing at all"

mills and boony

"a bit too mills and boony for me"

could not put it down in both products

"i absolutely loved this book and completely lost myself in it it was like time stood still while reading i could not put it down"

very short time in both products

"in fact i couldn't wait to get back to it when i had the chance and i finished it in a very short time"

difficult circumstances

"different kinds of love and how it is nurtured in difficult circumstances"

rushed pairs

"except for occasional relief in a few attractivly delivered scottish sentences the delivery seems to be in rushed pairs of identically inflected phrases delivered with mechanical monotony"

overly descriptive

"i'm afraid i found it boring overly descriptive and repetitive not my kind of novel at all certainly not the page turner that i like to read"

very difficult

"i read it in my comfortable reading chair and found it very difficult to put down"

rather cumbersome

"the literary style is rather cumbersome and detracts from the rather clever plot"

pale golds

"pale golds and turquoise shimmering from the pages"

plain polyester

"didn’t care much for these don’t like the material would have preferred plain polyester"

dying grandmother

"then a busy kendra is asked to visit her dying grandmother and write her life story and what a life story that is!"

became completely

"not my usual sort of book but i became completely absorbed by this story"

grim years

"from ella's carefree days as a young girl falling in love for the first time through the grim years of the second world war to the inevitable ending"

pretty badly

"i so nearly missed reading this book i have a weird aversion to anything french which possibly stems from being treated pretty badly by the 'french' car showroom admin and the border officers on return journey to germany "

real cruelty of

"it also shows the rawness and real cruelty of war in every way imaginable"

busy kendra

"then a busy kendra is asked to visit her dying grandmother and write her life story and what a life story that is!"

totally wrong

"i was totally wrong and not only have i really enjoyed the book but spent plenty of time reflecting on the poignant messages which unfold"

autistic disabled child

"firstly the realisation by ella that lasting love will endure but the sub plot of a family living with an autistic disabled child was written by someone who either writes from experience or has amazing empathy"

feeling upset

"several nerve endings disturbed and left feeling upset"

spying experience

"this is a rather twee love story with only one tale of wartime spying experience"

broke me apart

"this broke me apart and put me back together"

weird aversion

"i so nearly missed reading this book i have a weird aversion to anything french which possibly stems from being treated pretty badly by the 'french' car showroom admin and the border officers on return journey to germany "

difficult war times

"it also grounds you to reality during the difficult war times and what dangers people went through to help their countries"

bleak picture

"only criticism is it paints a bleak picture of edinburgh which is one of the most beautiful cities in the world"

shed tears

"i’ve smiled frowned and shed tears over all the characters !"

dangers people

"it also grounds you to reality during the difficult war times and what dangers people went through to help their countries"

awful war years

"the awful war years written with honesty but still with hope"

autistic child

"the emotions of relationships and trials of an autistic child are truthful and real"

bored with a story

"i often find i get bored with a story and can't finish the book but not with this one"

losing a relationship

"the sorrow of losing a relationship and the death of dear relatives and friends comes just too close to home and left me in a puddle of tears the description of such loss is painfully accurate"

rather twee

"this is a rather twee love story with only one tale of wartime spying experience"

absent father

"having been born during the second world war and having an absent father i am always interested to read storylines that show how families and individuals are affected by war"

lose myself

"first time i have read fiona valpy can't wait to lose myself in another sumptuous story"

very well done

"it was essential for the rest of the book that one understood the strength of the love between ella and christophe but for me it was just not very well done"

bleak scottish winter

"the settings from the bleak scottish winter to the wonder and beauty of the island were beautifully painted"

their hopes fears

"a story of brave women their hopes fears loves and loss"

her dreams unfulfilled

"so sad when i got to the end but happy to see kendra has all her dreams unfulfilled"

gets rescued

"u hold your breath anticipating whether or not ella gets caught or gets rescued"

little insight

"whilst a book can not go on forever it would have been lovely to have a little insight into her later life"

not miss this book

"do not miss this book"

description of such loss

"the sorrow of losing a relationship and the death of dear relatives and friends comes just too close to home and left me in a puddle of tears the description of such loss is painfully accurate"

it's empty

"it's empty"

shall definitely

"i shall definitely be downloading more of this author"

nothing much

"nothing much happened in the first 5% apart from she goes to a french island next 20% she is on the island but nothing much happens apart from swimming and picnics"

and dying lady

"the story surrounded an old and dying lady who was desperate for her life's story to be told and encouraged her granddaughter to write it for her in the style of a book or novel"

overused at times

"i felt the author's research was overused at times as it came across as intrusive and educational"

they good or

"it also brought us close the ways that history repeats itself within families and that we have always got choices be they good or bad"

entwines past war years

"the story lines entwines past war years with the present"

hard to put down

"took a little time to get into this book but then i was hooked and found it hard to put down"

were hard times

"although there were hard times in it the characters survived it was a feel good book"

have no such history

"i have no such history in my family but i felt as though i knew the characters and deeply felt their emotions"

know nothing about

"after reading this it makes you think about your own family going through tough times that you know nothing about"

have an autistic

"i also have an autistic son"

failed marriage

"as a product of a failed marriage and estranged from my father for most of my life i would have preferred to hear how rhona felt"

it's a weepy

"get your tissues ready it's a weepy"

author imprints

"even the tragedy that inevitably time produces is tamed by the images that the author imprints"

very little story

"in the first few chapters there is very little story with every scene being described in great detail"

rushed like some

"not rushed like some but absorbing enough that i didn't get bored"

some of the war parts

"i had to skim some of the war parts as i am so apprehensive of violence during suspense passages but hasten to add that this is not a violent book"

estranged from my father

"as a product of a failed marriage and estranged from my father for most of my life i would have preferred to hear how rhona felt"

made me sad and emotional

"this story made me sad and emotional at times"

apprehensive of violence

"i had to skim some of the war parts as i am so apprehensive of violence during suspense passages but hasten to add that this is not a violent book"

an obvious ending

"i really enjoyed this book not too many characters and not an obvious ending"

will not be the last

"this is the first book i have read by this author but it will not be the last"

not guess the ending

"there are many twists and turns in the story line cannot guess the ending"

then i gave

"then i gave up"

introduced to the trio

"christophe and his sister caroline are a similar age and we are introduced to the trio during a summer holiday to the family holiday residence on the ile de ré just prior to the commencement of the second world war"

irritating to listen

"the audio presentation has proved too irritating to listen to"

small personal details

"however i felt there was too much unnecessary small personal details which hampered the flow"

long time sine

"but i was hooked by the characters the writing and it is a long time sine i cried at the end so thank you for a lovely read"

taxing as a read

"it's not taxing as a read but never the less it is a good book to while a few hours away"

very begging

"this book captures you from the very begging"

enough no spoiling

"but that's enough no spoiling: i'll leave you to try it for yourself"

horrors of what happened

"the story is something that you can relate to as so many people have got some association with the second world war and the horrors of what happened"

strains and stresses

"the story evoked the ambiance of the ile de re and very much the strains and stresses of war"

not a violent book

"i had to skim some of the war parts as i am so apprehensive of violence during suspense passages but hasten to add that this is not a violent book"

left feeling frustrated

"an easy read but left feeling frustrated"

hampered the flow

"however i felt there was too much unnecessary small personal details which hampered the flow"

difficult to listen

"my only complaint is that i find the narrator very difficult to listen to"

n't spoil my enjoyment

"i liked all the characters even though to be honest they were all too good to be true but that didn't spoil my enjoyment"

never really forgetting

"ella went through what a lot of women did during wars losing a love moving on but never really forgetting"

only read crime

"not my usual genre as i only read crime "

book would never

"i really wished the book would never end"

Compare Pros

absolutely brilliant in both products

"absolutely brilliant!"

excellent story in both products

"excellent story"

brilliant story in both products

"brilliant story can't wait to read the next book"

great storyline in both products

"a great storyline"

really enjoyable in both products

"a different type of mystery but a really enjoyable read"

charming story in both products

"what a charming story"

beautifully written in both products

"beautifully written book poignant and sad at times but with a few twists that made for a happy ending"

very enjoyable in both products

"what a lovely story and very very enjoyable"

really good in both products

"this is a really good page turner read it!"

great story in both products

"a great story to keep you guessing with strong real and believable characters that really absorb you into their story"

wonderful story in both products

"from the first chapter to the last line it's wonderful story is a joy to read"

absolutely loved in both products

"absolutely loved this book one of those books that leaves you wanting another one and disappointed that it's ended"

well written in both products

"oh what a fantastic story this is i really enjoyed this book i usually go for crime and thriller books but what a refreshing story this was i loved every single page and will be reading more from nicola may great characters well written and was sorry when i finished reading it"

truly lovely in both products

"i laughed and cried with rosa a truly lovely story with surprises all the way"

just loved in both products

"the main character reminded me of someone i know i just loved her"

just brilliant in both products

"this book was just brilliant"

good ending in both products

"i do love a good ending"

happy ending in both products

"i think it deserves a five star rating because i loved the story and it kept on giving plus loved the happy ending"

look forward in both products

"i will look forward to reading the sequel"

good insights in both products

"written by a realist with good insights into people and good characters of whom all were a bit flawed as people are in real life"

lovely ending in both products

"lovely ending"

lovely story in both products

"it was a lovely story with just enough twists to keep you wanting to carry on reading"

five stars in both products

"i gave this book five stars because i wanted a light but engaging read and it exceeded my expectations"

fantastic story in both products

"oh what a fantastic story this is i really enjoyed this book i usually go for crime and thriller books but what a refreshing story this was i loved every single page and will be reading more from nicola may great characters well written and was sorry when i finished reading it"

enjoyed this in both products

"i really enjoyed this"

lovely part in both products

"an easy to read novel set in a lovely part of the country could almost smell the ocean!"

great book in both products

"what a great book i just couldn't put it down the story of rosa was so sad and how she inherited the corner shop not having a clue who had left it to her and josh her true friend and little hot the dog just loved the whole story you will have to read it to find out who left her the corner shop in the little devon seaside village"

highly enjoyable

"a feel good plot with some grit makes this novel a highly enjoyable read"

incurable romantics

"myself and my husband both read this book and thought it was smashing but then we are a pair of incurable romantics"

thoroughly enjoyable

"this was a thoroughly enjoyable read taking you through the trials and tribulations of a bit of a wayward girl in her struggle to make a success of a small shop she is unexpectedly left"

absolutely pleasure

"what an absolutely pleasure to read hard to put down till almost the end when the mystery is reavealed"

very captivating

"it really was so entertaining and the lead character was very captivating"

jolly good

"this was a jolly good story of romance and mystery"

wonderfully warm

"cockleberry bay is a wonderfully warm and unexpectedly fun story of love laughter disasters friendship and family"

thoroughly enjoyed

"thoroughly enjoyed reading this book"

very satisfying

"very satisfying"

great ending

"i loved this book it’s a great story with a great ending"

very entertaining

"ok its not war and peace but it is a very entertaining holiday read"

thoroughly good

"a thoroughly good read and one for the holiday list"

very cleverly

"very cleverly written"

brilliant character

"rosa is a brilliant character well they all are best book i have read in a long time"

really heartwarming

"a really heartwarming uplifting read"

brilliant holiday read

"highly recommend this book brilliant holiday read "

delightful gastro

"there is a definite contrast between the two ends of the village with one end being occupied by a delightful gastro pub ran by two charming gentleman whilst the other end of the village would be more at home on the set of eastenders with the hard as nails family matriarch and her misbehaving brethren of family and friends"

absolutely compelling

"absolutely compelling story"

wonderful characters

"the wonderful characters really come to life"

great main characters

"great main characters good setting and sweet story"

exceptionally good

"i very really buy modern times stories but i think this is exceptionally good"

lovely storyline

"a really well written book with a lovely storyline and not very predictable at all!"

excellent author

"wonderful and well worth reading an excellent author!"

charming gentleman

"there is a definite contrast between the two ends of the village with one end being occupied by a delightful gastro pub ran by two charming gentleman whilst the other end of the village would be more at home on the set of eastenders with the hard as nails family matriarch and her misbehaving brethren of family and friends"

charming reporter

"as with books of this genre there is a lovely splash of romance as rosa finds herself stuck between a gorgeous rugby player a wickedly sexy plumber and a charming reporter"

brilliant idea

"a brilliant idea for a book spoilt for me by the promiscuity of rosa the main character"

riveting storyline

"riveting storyline"

wonderfully heartwarming

"a wonderfully heartwarming quirky read in a quaint setting just bursting with effervescent characters"

very realistic

"all the characters in this small seaside town are interesting and very realistic"

brilliant summer

"a brilliant summer read i highly recommend this book"

funny and entertaining

"i really loved this book quirky funny and entertaining i would recommend it to anyone wanting a light hearted read"

that she is loveable

"she is all that but she is also one with low self esteem who finally gets that she is loveable"

sheer delight

"this book was sheer delight!"

keeps you guessing

"also fed my curiosity as i usually have to read thriller to get my fix but this book keeps you guessing too"

laughed and cried

"the characters very real i laughed and cried"

good characterization

"a nice little story with good characterization and a bit of mystery but i found the sexual references though not overly frequent crude and unnecessarily vulgar"

laughs fun and love

"what a super story full of twists and turns drama romance tears laughs fun and love"

refreshing and funny

"so refreshing and funny"

lovely josh

"the characters in the little town are a pretty eclectic mix so they keep the story flowing and the lovely josh we could all do with one of them around"

lovely devon

"i liked this book believable characters set in lovely devon"

good smattering

"cleaver plot with a good smattering of love interests"

enjoyable and engaging

"very enjoyable and engaging and the characters were engaging with how their lives were"

exciting and funny

"loved this book so many funny parts in each chapter its serious exciting and funny all in one book"

comely and engaging

"it's pleasant to listen to as audio voice used is comely and engaging"

believeable and likeable

"the book was sad and funny the characters were believeable and likeable"

sweet charming and

"sweet charming and o so many twists in the storyline"

clever story

"great characterisation and clever story telling"

great characterisation

"great characterisation and clever story telling"

great charcters

"lovely read great charcters and a satisfying ending"

good setting

"great main characters good setting and sweet story"

good feeling

"good feeling with happy ending"

comfortable feeling

"just such a lovely book have me a warm comfortable feeling to read good story with a great twist at the end just about to download another of nicolas books"

good writing style

"edgy language and a good writing style made for a most enjoyable read"

lovely setting

"fun characters lovely setting and some nice twists oh and a dog called hot"

light relief

"i bought this book because i'd just read a slew of thrillers and wanted some light relief plus i used to have a village shop which is what initially caught my attention"

just enjoy

"heartwarming fiction to just enjoy"

good points

"i couldn't take to the main character she had some good points but was annoying and not particularly likeable"

deservedly merits

"deservedly merits a 5 star rating for its ease of reading enjoyment of the well defined characters and the turmoil of love mingled with fun friendship and lost love"

nice change

"nice change from my usual murder mystery books"

nice twist

"it was a lovely happy ending with a nice twist too the tale"

cute story

"quite a cute story though"

good summer

"it has the odd twist and turn i liked all the characters and has a happy ending a good summer read"

nice people

"so good nice people in this book"

feel romantic

"laugh cry and feel romantic"

decent story

"rosa inherits a shop from a mystery benefactor and so begins her adventure and her transformation a decent story just had to get my head round joe josh & jacob had to think which characters they were at times"

really well

"a really well written book with a lovely storyline and not very predictable at all!"

good reviews

"oh goodness i hate vapid romantic fiction like this i really don’t know why i bought it other than so many good reviews!"

seem believable

"it is neither a satisfying read or a good story incredibly predictable nor do the characters and situations seem believable"

supreme effort

"i thought the writer did a supreme effort"

joyful book

"this is a joyful book"

nice twists

"fun characters lovely setting and some nice twists oh and a dog called hot"

will happily

"very enjoyable and i will happily purchase more books by nicola may"

lived happily

"'and they all lived happily ever after'"

fiercely independent

"my in laws hail from devon so i fully recognise the small community mentality so brilliantly described in the book but what really stood out for me was the hugely believable fiercely independent but often vulnerable heroine of the book"

very quickly

"i read it very quickly as it was difficult to put down"

overall enjoyment

"very enjoyable read good story if a little predictable at the end did leave a couple of threads unanswered but did not detract from overall enjoyment of book"

quaint setting

"a wonderfully heartwarming quirky read in a quaint setting just bursting with effervescent characters"

great setting

"great setting and wonderful characters"

perfect read

"perfect read for cold afternoon"

lovely tale

"lovely tale"

lovely romantic mystery

"this was a lovely romantic mystery and i enjoyed reading it and getting to know the characters"

lovely characters

"great idea for a storyline lovely characters and a plot line which kept me guessing right until the end"

readers style

"i really loved the readers style and accent"

good characters

"written by a realist with good insights into people and good characters of whom all were a bit flawed as people are in real life"

likeable characters

"easy to read cozy story with likeable characters"

good friends

"good friends and a little good fortune anything is possible"

fairly fast

"good characters and a fairly fast moving plot"

engaging story

"loved the twists and turns in this easy read but engaging story"

maintains their interest

"those different plot lines provide a level of intrigue to the tale which grasps the readers' attention and maintains their interest until the end"

engaging read

"thanks to author for such an engaging read and i’ve now passed it to a friend to read"

just great

"this book had me from the first kindle page the story of rosa and her dog moving into a devonshire village corner shop was just marvellous couldn't put it down made me laugh hold my breath and bought a tear i loved every page felt like i had lost a family of friends as the characters were just great was sad when i read the last page …"

happy holidays

"i loved the title because it reminded me of many happy holidays i had in the west country when i was younger"

beautiful cockleberry

"really loved the characters very well created and described and i want to live in beautiful cockleberry bay!"

very interesting

"i bought this book for a gentle read and it was but there were many surprises and twists and turns that rosa takes that made the book very interesting and i ended up not being able to put it down"

seems good

"the plot seems good but i doubt i will read to the end"

lovely read

"what a lovely read"

good value

"there such good value too"

please read

"please read"

nice and easy

"a nice and easy read for the summer"

love suspense

"i loved this book exactly what i needed love suspense and laughs i love how strong all the female characters are how they r all survivors"

fairly happy

"a fairly happy story very modern with a good few twists to keep me interested"

very happy

"your books make me very happy"

comfortable life

"uprooting herself from a more or less comfortable life with 'friend with benefits' josh in london she travels to devon to start a new life"

sweet read

"this book as such a sweet read and i have now started book two so i can follow the journey"

really nice

"yet it's a really nice read"

lovely light

"i read the book in 24 hours whilst on the plane and train and it was a lovely light read for the journey"

more realistic

"i know it is me i require something more realistic satisfying and informative from a book than ‘romance’ but honestly"

fantastic read

"a fantastic read and now onto the next one!"

nice easy read

"a nice easy read"

excellent book

"loved this was an excellent book!"

funny read

"light and funny read not as sickly sweet as a lot of this genre can be"

well worth

"wonderful and well worth reading an excellent author!"

perfect story

"a perfect story for a winter's afternoon"

genuinely magic

"and throughout the telling of this tale the writer manages to introduce some genuinely magic touches"

right ingredients

"a wonderful story with all the right ingredients of love sex family lust and tenderness!"

story perfect

"a great story perfect if you wanted a book to take on your holidays"

more convincingly

"i've read other books by nicola may which i think were much more convincingly written"

quick and easy

"quick and easy to read"

excellent read

"an excellent read!"

extra warmth

"coming from the west country this small town sea side lifestyle is familiar so think this added some extra warmth when reading"

warm and cosy

"a warm and cosy mystery love story"

gentle read

"i bought this book for a gentle read and it was but there were many surprises and twists and turns that rosa takes that made the book very interesting and i ended up not being able to put it down"

most reliable

"amidst the turmoil rosa's most reliable companion is her sausage dog "hot""

very likable

"the main characters are believable and very likable whether human or animal!"

pleasant feeling

"it's an easy read leaving a pleasant feeling"

nicely written

"nicely written obvious mystery question not answered till end but no surprise however one of those books you will want to finish once you start reading"

self develops

"the story it self develops at a good pace and keeps you engaged with rosa and her bit of luck and how she goes about taking it and making use of the opportunity"

wayward girl

"this was a thoroughly enjoyable read taking you through the trials and tribulations of a bit of a wayward girl in her struggle to make a success of a small shop she is unexpectedly left"

clever name

"i loved hot and his clever name and the way the story does not unfold until almost the last page"

lovely heart

"what a lovely heart warming story thoroughly good characters with a nice twist at the end"

cheery story

"it is a light and cheery story"

cosy story

"a cosy story with shades of mystery and a flash of spiritual morality"

enjoyed reading

"i really really enjoyed reading this book and i looked forward to reading it every night"

easy to read

"easy to read"

winter evenings

"great reading for cold winter evenings cuddled up in an armchair with a hot drink"

hearted easy

"a great light hearted easy to read story good for taking on holiday or when you don’t want any thing to deep to read"

wanting more

"it definitely left me wanting more"

interesting read

"but an interesting read"

beautiful book

"a beautiful book that i lost myself in"

love interest

"the love interest was a bit of a plank too!"

very lovely

"this is very lovely story of how life can turn around for someone who has had very little luck and love in her life and with village life put into the mix it makes surprising good reading"

comes together

"a community comes together and crimes resolved"

many thanks

"many thanks"

lovely character

"this is a lovely book to read the story line went on different direction which kept you interested and lots of lovely character in it really enjoyed will look at this author again "

best seller

"i really dont know why this is a best seller"

good holiday

"brilliant book easy read the sort of book you can't put down good holiday read!"

excellently written

"an excellently written story just couldn't put the book down i hope there's a sequel or should i say there better be"

what a refreshing

"oh what a fantastic story this is i really enjoyed this book i usually go for crime and thriller books but what a refreshing story this was i loved every single page and will be reading more from nicola may great characters well written and was sorry when i finished reading it"

hearted and funny

"i enjoyed this book it was light hearted and funny"

good right

"i did enjoy this story which was good right to the end reveal"

lovely splash

"as with books of this genre there is a lovely splash of romance as rosa finds herself stuck between a gorgeous rugby player a wickedly sexy plumber and a charming reporter"

were interesting

"the characters were interesting some i loved and others i loathed"

fitted nicely

"loved all the characters who fitted nicely into their roles"

recommend easy read

"highly recommend easy read"

funny and easy

"funny and easy to read and to relate with events from author"

exciting to read

"brilliant story and with so many twists and turns really exciting to read!"

absolutely brilliant in both products

"one of the most beautiful books i have ever read had many a tear reading this lovely story felt like i was in france with them absolutely brilliant loved it thank you"

excellent story in both products

"excellent story very well told"

brilliant story in both products

"what an absolutely fantastic book this is i read this book because of the reviews it got and i have not been disappointed brilliant book brilliant story i just wanted to keep turning the pages but at ten the same time didn't want the book to end "

great storyline in both products

"great storyline with not to many characters"

really enjoyable in both products

"really enjoyable read"

charming story in both products

"i visited the island many years ago and can truly appreciate its beauty retraced in this charming story of love"

beautifully written in both products

"beautifully written i found myself being transported to the island tasting the salty air feeling the warmth of the sun and hearing the waves on the"

very enjoyable in both products

"very enjoyable book"

really good in both products

"of course this is not world literature but this book was really good company to me especially the beautiful descriptions of their many holidays by the french seaside"

thoroughly enjoy in both products

"a book that you should make time to read in peace and thoroughly enjoy"

great story in both products

"what a great story"

wonderful story in both products

"what a wonderful story and so well written"

wonderful character in both products

"ella is a wonderful character expertly written and the book is very descriptive i felt i was in her shoes"

absolutely loved in both products

"i absolutely loved it"

well written in both products

"what a truly amazing well written book"

truly lovely in both products

"what a truly lovely story"

just loved in both products

"just loved every thing about the way it was written"

just brilliant in both products

"just brilliant"

good ending in both products

"a good ending"

happy ending in both products

"don't we all like a happy ending even if this one is a bit too tidy"

look forward in both products

"a wonderful ending and a time to look forward to the future and happy times ahead"

good insights in both products

"but this is a well structured novel full of colours and with real depth to the characters and some good insights into human nature"

lovely ending in both products

"i enjoyed this book and found it both gripping and emotional with a lovely ending telling the story from her great first love to her second love with all the struggles but finding peace and finally giving happiness and security to her granddaughter"

lovely story in both products

"a lovely story of ella's life told to her granddaughter kendra"

five stars in both products

"i give it five stars for its easy reading and my desire to see this novel through"

fantastic story in both products

"what a fantastic story"

lovely part in both products

"lovely part of france"

great book in both products

"what a great book!"

really beautiful

"a really beautiful love story"

simply beautiful

"simply beautiful"

very exciting

"it was very exciting in places descriptive in other parts and the characters were very real"

amazingly beautiful

"i found this book profound and amazingly beautiful"

delightful treasure

"this book is a delightful treasure and i resented having it end"

most beautiful

"one of the most beautiful books i have ever read had many a tear reading this lovely story felt like i was in france with them absolutely brilliant loved it thank you"

wonderful experience

"thank you fi on a valpy for such a wonderful experience"

truly exceptional

"the story of ella's life told to and written by her granddaughter kendra is a truly exceptional read"

superb story

"and a superb story within a story"

very likeable

"i very much enjoyed reading this book the story was interesting and the characters very likeable particularly caroline who was a very gentle and generous person a wonderful friend to ella and sister to christophe"

truly beautiful

"her relationships with both men was truly beautiful"

captivating story

"a gentle captivating story set in two eras & two locations separated by many decades & many miles"

absolutely excellent

"absolutely excellent read"

exceedingly likeable

"all the characters are exceedingly likeable although i feel her daughter was particularly harsh and unforgiving"

absolutely fantastic

"what an absolutely fantastic book this is i read this book because of the reviews it got and i have not been disappointed brilliant book brilliant story i just wanted to keep turning the pages but at ten the same time didn't want the book to end "

excellent holiday read

"an excellent holiday read"

beautifully told

"it was a beautifully told story in more ways than one read the book and you’ll understand "

pure delight

"pure delight"

wonderfully descriptive

"i love the wonderfully descriptive background you feel like you are there with the characters"

most wonderful

"it’s been an emotional roller coaster and the most wonderful holiday read"

amazing clarity

"she writes beautifully and manages to invoke images scenery and people with amazing clarity"

great writer

"the story had my heart soaring at points and plumbing the depths at others the marks of a great writer and a great read!"

amazing story

"an amazing story from start to finish"

dreamy pace

"a slow dreamy pace but worth reading to the end"

enjoyed this positive

"even i a mere male enjoyed this positive and we'll elaborated tale"

highly recommend

"highly recommend"

strongly recommend

"strongly recommend"

swept along

"this book especially has several life lessons between the pages and i enjoyed every minute of being swept along on the wave"

wonderful sentiments

"wonderful sentiments"

well crafted

"it is gentle sensitive and well crafted with descriptions of a french summer that catch your breath"

nice piece

"it made a change from thrillers mass murders and blood letting to read a nice piece of narrative"

fascinating story

"this is a fascinating story"

wonderfully memorable

"i lived in east lothian and edinburgh for many years so it was all wonderfully memorable for me i have been once many years ago to la rochelle and am now inspired to go back!"

treasure beauty

"i treasure beauty and this is a beautiful story"

really super

"this book is a really super story from the start to the finish"

wonderful friend

"i very much enjoyed reading this book the story was interesting and the characters very likeable particularly caroline who was a very gentle and generous person a wonderful friend to ella and sister to christophe"

amazing loved

"it was amazing loved it"

superb author

"fiona valpy is a superb author and i look forward to reading more of her works"

precious life

"made me feel how precious life is and always be "the better person" loved it"

literary triumph

"well done fiona valpy a literary triumph"

finely drawn

"the characters were finely drawn and believable"

well structured

"but this is a well structured novel full of colours and with real depth to the characters and some good insights into human nature"

truly amazing

"what a truly amazing well written book"

portrayed finn

"as a former worker with adults with learning difficulties i appreciated the accurate manner you portrayed finn"

told so beautifully

"i loved this book it is told so beautifully and keeps you guessing and hoping for the outcome of the stories running parallel throughout i would recommend this to all women"

loved it loved

"loved it loved it!"

wonderful and beautiful

"a wonderful and beautiful described story of love against all challenges and adversity"

wrenching and beautiful

"i found the story heart wrenching and beautiful"

just wonderful

"descriptions of the ile de re where parts of the story are set are just wonderful"

love shines

"the characters are all believable they have to deal with what life has given them but through it all love shines through"

amazing author

"what an amazing author"

clever writer

"i absolutely loved it fiona valpy is such a clever writer it was so moving and it just goes to show that although people will judge you for supposedly not doing the right thing nothing is ever straightforward where love is concerned but don’t take my word for it read it yourself am confident you will not be disappointed"

hope you enjoy it

"i hope you enjoy it too"

utterly brilliant

"i actually felt that i was right there in the middle of the story utterly brilliant"

all the more fascinating

"it kept my attention right the way through and the changes in time made it all the more fascinating"

enthralling & romantic

"i really enjoyed reading this story once i got into it because it was intriguing enthralling & romantic"

everybody else i loved

"like everybody else i loved this book"

wonderful tale

"it was a wonderful tale of love heartache and realisation that you are never too old to dream"

interested not too much

"just enough information to keep you interested not too much that it confused or bored"

neat and perfect

"however i did feel that it was all a little too neat and perfect despite the more realistic modern narrative"

smile lots

"i couldn't put it down its just so real it's a beautiful book made me cry smile lots of emotions i felt like i was reading someone's dairy like i was there it's the best book i've read for a while and i read lots of books i look forward to reading more from this author"

good stories

"a real page turner for lovers of good stories"

wonderfully inspirational

"your book is so full of love and emotion as well as being wonderfully inspirational"

very well told

"excellent story very well told"

wonderfully engaging

"a wonderfully engaging and descriptive story"

wonderful love story

"she weaves an intriguing fascinating inter generational story that transports the reader through physical and emotional dangers drawing one into the centre of a wonderful love story"

very good and interesting

"a very good and interesting story which kept my attention throughout as it traced through the years"

eloquently written

"so eloquently written making one feel part of the story"

believable and charming

"the characters felt believable and charming"

vibrant and alive

"her descriptive passages and her characters were vibrant and alive"

believable and satisfying

"the love stories were a delight also very believable and satisfying"

hope and happiness

"the pain of life and learning to see beauty and find hope and happiness through it all"

loved it thank

"one of the most beautiful books i have ever read had many a tear reading this lovely story felt like i was in france with them absolutely brilliant loved it thank you"

delight to read

"it was a delight to read "

well honed

"i chose this rating because it told a wonderful story with well honed and believable characters"

were amazing

"beautifully written two of the letters sent were amazing and brought me to tears"

magical setting

"how vivid was the magical setting of this wonderful story"

great sensitivity

"she treats the themes of love in its many guises of friendship family loyalty and the challenges of parenting with great sensitivity"

gentle sensitive

"it is gentle sensitive and well crafted with descriptions of a french summer that catch your breath"

living happily

"which allowed me to keep on living happily"

timeless themes

"timeless themes "

very believable

"the characters were all very believable i loved the switch of the storyline from edinburgh which i know very well to france and the reflections of èlla` during the second world war and then the way in which this ran n parallel with the storyline of kendra and her family in todays world"

such inspiration

"fiona s book filled me with such inspiration and joy"

very compelling

"a very compelling read"

gripping tale

"the location of the island where ella finds love for the first time and is woven into all her story and the surrounding ocean linked to the title sea of memories made this story a gripping tale"

perfect book

"this is the perfect book for a holiday or commuting as the chapters sections are quite short"

good emotion

"a story that felt strangely familiar but kept twisting through the turns of life fantastic read really enjoyed it good emotion and factually very well set in history"

were beautiful

"the descriptions of isle de rey were beautiful"

good research

"a lovely story good research and brought characters alive"

emotional investment

"read it and enjoy for both it's descriptive detail and the emotional investment in the characters involved"

very engaged

"at first i thought it would be too romantic for me but then the story picked up pace and i was very engaged by it"

felt wonderfully

"i love reading and i love art so it felt wonderfully relaxing to get lost in the beauty of this book whilst also acknowledging the fears of war and the desolation of losing loved ones"

just enough information

"just enough information to keep you interested not too much that it confused or bored"

emotional maturity

"i enjoyed fiona's first three books and had noticed that with each one her characters gained in depth and emotional maturity despite the relatively easy subject matter"

love relationships

"i really enjoyed this tale of love relationships and the difficulties that life can sometimes bring"

emotional tribute

"a throughl a great read heartfelt warming an emotional tribute to prove that even in the darkest of times there is still a loving light that can burn bright"

lovely journey

"it was a very moving read and took me on a lovely journey with her story and my own life memories colliding beautifully"

with confidence

"a strong well written story told with confidence"

very uplifting

"it is also very uplifting i would highly recommend reading this fantastic book and can’t wait to read the next fiona valpy book!"

real feeling

"the characters were written with real feeling and i felt i knew them all"

more tranquil

"the descriptions of this magical land part sea part island are beautifully crafted and evoke a way of life more tranquil than city life"

heartfelt emotions

"i rarely write reviews but had to for this beautiful story telling heartfelt emotions of smiles and tears"

unadulterated enjoyment

"what a great story pure unadulterated enjoyment"

refreshing ideas

"i like this writer and enjoy her refreshing ideas"

provide life

"pausing to think what is important in life collecting the broken fragments of a crisis and sticking them all together again to provide life with a new beauty "

human nature

"but this is a well structured novel full of colours and with real depth to the characters and some good insights into human nature"

carefully constructed

"the book was carefully constructed and paced without losing its heart"

relatively easy

"i enjoyed fiona's first three books and had noticed that with each one her characters gained in depth and emotional maturity despite the relatively easy subject matter"

grand daughter

"part of ella's story told to her grand daughter as ends her days must be so like many others stories of her generation who went through the hardship and trauma of war but with an extra touch of suspense"

lovely twists

"loved this story the way it used three generations and lovely twists"

care homes

"often older people in care homes are dismissed as just poor old people unable to look after themselves but take a closer look and many have have life stories which are amazing"

beautiful thought

"sea of memories is a beautiful thought provoking story that i thoroughly enjoyed reading"

poignant moments

"there are so many poignant moments in this book that could act as a real life guide now i may very well read it again"

beautiful descriptions

"of course this is not world literature but this book was really good company to me especially the beautiful descriptions of their many holidays by the french seaside"

riveting reading

"this added an extra dimension and made riveting reading"

riveting read

"a fascinating riveting read"

vivid picture

"the author paints a vivid picture of the french resort that is irresistible and exquisite"

loving light

"a throughl a great read heartfelt warming an emotional tribute to prove that even in the darkest of times there is still a loving light that can burn bright"

beautiful island

"a wonderful story of a love that spanned time and of a beautiful island that i think everyone of us would secretly like to live"

really recommend

"really recommend"

liked both

"i loved every minute of this book and would recommend anyone who likes a good love story beautifully written todo as well this is the second book i have read of the author and i liked both for different reasons"

gloriously descriptive

"she transports you to another world which she describes with gloriously descriptive language"

emotions convincingly

"storyline reflects emotions convincingly and would recommend this as a good meaningful read with depth and not in the least shallow"

best of stories

"this is a wonderful story of love and despair but love conquers all as in the best of stories despite the tragedies"

very easily

"very interesting believable and captivating story really enjoyed reading it created great scenes and could imagine the locations very easily"

immensely hard

"i many times was transported to the island and found it immensely hard to put down"

relationships choices

"really enjoyed the story line exploring love relationships choices and how we often can make decisions that affect family relationships and dynamics without full understanding"

asks her granddaughter

"a great holiday read following the life of ella as she asks her granddaughter to write her life story"

very moving

"i found this book a very moving story i was surprised that even with the swapping from the years ie:1935to 2017 all through the book it was still easy to follow"

better person

"made me feel how precious life is and always be "the better person" loved it"

expertly written

"ella is a wonderful character expertly written and the book is very descriptive i felt i was in her shoes"

convincing story

"rarely does a book make me cry and this one did a sure sign to me of a convincing story"

lovely memories

"i really enjoyed the descriptions on isle de re having been there in holiday it was great reliving lovely memories"

helped the granddaughter

"i enjoyed the book it was a good storyline and brought a family together and helped the granddaughter with her difficulties with her autistic son"

loved ones

"it prompted so many thoughts and reactions to notice love and be close to your loved ones to appreciate the beauty that is around us especially the sea and the wind in your face when you sail"

pleasantly surprised

"i have not found a book as well written for a while so was pleasantly surprised!"

Compare Emotion analysis

The Corner Shop in Cockleberry Bay

Positive tone

Neutral tone

Negative tone

52.2% 18.6% 29.2%
  worry 22.3%
  happiness 22.3%
  neutral 17.6%
  fun 14.4%
  love 9.0%
  sadness 5.6%
  relief 3.0%
  surprise 1.6%
  enthusiasm 1.2%
  empty 0.9%
  hate 0.7%
  joy 0.7%
  anger 0.5%
  fear 0.2%
Sea of Memories

Positive tone

Neutral tone

Negative tone

42.8% 18.7% 38.5%
  worry 20.9%
  happiness 19.4%
  neutral 18.7%
  sadness 15.6%
  fun 9.4%
  love 8.0%
  relief 3.8%
  joy 1.3%
  fear 1.1%
  surprise 0.9%
  anger 0.7%
  hate 0.2%

* analysis performed using Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, data for the analysis has been gathered from multiple publicly accessible sources.
** strength is the level of sentiment expressed in a sentence, phrase or keyword. It ranges from 0 to 100%
prices and sales statistics are updated daily

last analysis update 2024-10-11