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Man's Search For Meaning: The classic tribute to hope from the Holocaust

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2. Man's Search For Meaning: The classic tribute to hope from..

 [Senti score 88.9%]

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Best price: £9.02 (18% off)

Product Summary

  • Product type: ABIS BOOK
  • Easy to use
  • Value for money

Product Attributes

  • Width: 0.4 inches,
  • Height: 7.8 inches,
  • Weight: 2.3 Pounds,
  • Length: 5.0 inches



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Product Review Analysis*




73.9% 15.0% 11.1%

Senti score  [88.9%]

* hover your mouse over a word to see more details
severe trauma most awful beautiful inspirational negative real disappointment harsh most inspiring powerful boring amazing recommended great horrific complain fascinating best extremely inspiring least uncomfortable traumatic excellent truly meaningful interesting difficult irrelevant

Pros & Cons

truly meaningful

"a truly meaningful read"

extremely inspiring

"it is extremely inspiring"

most inspiring

"victor frankl is one of the most inspiring authors i have ever read"

very informative

"excellent book very informative helps you see the real world in a more positive way"

infinitely powerful

"the story is infinitely powerful timeless and applicable"

most beautiful

"this book displays some of the ugliest and most beautiful aspects if humanity"

very inspiring

"an excellent fairly short but very inspiring book"

truly wonderful

"this is a truly wonderful book"

very powerful

"this is a very powerful book"

most amazing

"one of the most amazing books i have read"

wonderful insight

"a wonderful insight into the mind of a man who managed to beat the nazis in his mind and survive the holocaust by holding on to his own mind and thought and sense of self"

sincerely insightful

"i found this book a sincerely insightful and truly rewarding read"

most powerful

"potentially the most powerful book i've ever read"

brilliant short read

"thought provoking and a brilliant short read"

truly beautiful

"a truly beautiful book and a must read"

great friend

"this book has been a great friend to me"

incredibly moving

"an absolute mind opener and incredibly moving"

fascinating viktor

"this book is fascinating viktor e frankl documents some of the horrendous events he and people who were held in concentration camps had to go through and also share with us some unique ideas about man's ability to withstand any amount of pain and suffering if he he can place a good enough reason or purpose for enduring it"

amazing work

"amazing work of an inspired being"

genuinely amazing

"this book is genuinely amazing"

outstanding therapist

"he was an outstanding therapist and this book is a beacon of humanity"

thoroughly beneficial

"i brought this book for research in my counselling & psychotherapy course and found it to be thoroughly beneficial"

beautifully written

"beautifully written and very moving"

fascinating exploration

"it was a fascinating exploration of what helped some prisoners to survive by retaining hope and giving their existence a purpose"

most wonderful

"the most wonderful book"

exceptional inspiring

"everyone should read this book exceptional inspiring and taught provoking"

amazing story

"an amazing story!"

wonderfully inspiring

"a wonderfully inspiring book"

highly recommend

"highly recommend"

very memorable

"some very memorable quotes to take to heart are contained in this synopsis"

spiritually uplifting

"spiritually uplifting book"

quite liberating

"a powerful objective and mercifully short description of life in auschwitz and dachau is coupled with an essay on a way of thinking about life's meaning which i found quite liberating"

spiritual triumph

"this book is a matter of fact account of frankl's personal experiences and is ultimately an uplifting story of human spiritual triumph in the face of overwhelming callousness"

fascinating insight

"on the contrary it is factual and analytical and provides a fascinating insight into humanity at its very worst and its very best"

really good

"really good book"

absolutely recommend

"absolutely recommend"

incredibly inspirational

"incredibly inspirational read and deeply informative into the nature of psychotherapy and the role that 'meaning' plays in finding happiness"

inspiring read

"came i'm excellent condition and it is an amazing inspiring read will defiantly teach you a lot"

absolutely amazing

"an absolutely amazing book!"

quite revolutionary

"this essay was written in 1940s and it is quite revolutionary"

truly universal

"great insights on egsistentialism truly universal wisdom"

pure suberb

"pure suberb"

very impressive

"his account of coping with the reality of the concentration camps was very impressive and thought provoking"

that purpose

"this book focuses on man's purpose and how that purpose is the centre of his existence"

truly remarkable

"a truly remarkable man and read inspiring!"

truly phenomenal

"i had to read it for university and to be honest the topic put me off but once i sat down to read it it is a truly phenomenal account which must be read"

great knowledge

"i bought this book for my dad who has great knowledge and interest in ww2 and he found it fascinating"

truly amazing

"it's truly amazing"

deep and meaningful

"a very deep and meaningful book full of insight inspiration challenge and hope"

great admiration

"from this i have a great admiration for his humanity and spiritual courage"

profound and timeless

"excellent profound and timeless"

poignant and inspiring

"pretty thought provoking poignant and inspiring"

great and good

"viktor frankl was undoubtedly a great and good man as well as being a very intelligent observant and imaginative psychologist"

very inspirational

"very inspirational story of victor frankl and what helped him to survive through holocaust"

powerful and meaningful

"it is powerful and meaningful and in its own way very special way it is uplifting"

truly inspirational

"it is truly inspirational piece of writing and very humbling"

insightful and inspiring

"insightful and inspiring understanding of the human spirit"

informative and good

"very informative and good book"

inspiring reads

"one of the most heart breaking inspiring reads"

hauntingly beautiful

"hauntingly beautiful"

logotheraphy fascinating

"my first insight into logotheraphy fascinating"

incredible at every level

"human capacity is incredible at every level"

very satisfied

"very satisfied"

engaging and inspiring

"engaging and inspiring"

most enduring

"but it's most enduring lesson is this: things can happen to us but our response to them is what makes the difference in the outcome"

wonderful and inspiring

"a wonderful and inspiring book"

excellent and absorbing

"an excellent and absorbing read"

truly memorable

"viktor frankl delivers a truly memorable and meaningful work here"

well written

"well written"

quite extraordinary

"this is a quite extraordinary book that remains as relevant today as when it was written"

interesting and inspiring

"this is a really interesting and inspiring book"

great book lots

"this book was recommended by anthony robins great book lots of valuable lessons"

excellent i recommend

"the book is excellent i recommend it"

enlightened and educated

"if you want to be enlightened and educated and self aware you need this book n your life"

overcome any situation

"how the use of the mind can overcome any situation"

favorite author

"my favorite author available on instant download from the kindle store"

simple and brilliant

"utterly superb simple and brilliant"

fascinating in depth look

"a fascinating in depth look at one man a psychotherapists experience's of imprisonment in auschwitz and other camps during the holocaust"

fantastic and moving

"a fantastic and moving book inspirational"

very well written

"the book is very well written"

moving account

"a moving account of victor frankls life and a must read!"

readable and timeless

"deeply readable and timeless reflection on the human condition"

greatest displays

"his experience reminds you that human beings are capable of both the worst of imaginable crimes and the greatest displays of dignity"

service excellent

"this is the second time i have used wordery and have found the service excellent"

wonderful true

"wonderful true story of suffering and aftermath"

fascinating analysis

"his book describes his wartime experiences in concentration camps and then provides a fascinating analysis of how the 'survivors' coped with the unimaginable horrors that were their life in the 'death camps'"

great combination

"great read some great insights and thought provoking good concepts and a great combination of modern thinking in historical setting"

nice addition

"nice addition to my library"

great deal

"written with a great deal of compassion and understanding of the human journey we all must take unsurprisingly given the authors own journey"

good price

"good price"

perfect sense

"great book for anyone to read thought provoking written by a noble man who learned so much from his experiences but doesn't become the victim of circumstances for one minute in this book logo therapy i had never heard of this before but it makes perfect sense for today's society"

great quotes

"great quotes to live by"

material goods

"i've just read on here some comments about people who complain about material goods they are sold"

poignant book

"such a beautiful poignant book "

good message

"quick read with a real good message for anyone living each day through the tough times we are going through and feel just like giving up at times"

fast delivery

"fast delivery"

powerful objective

"a powerful objective and mercifully short description of life in auschwitz and dachau is coupled with an essay on a way of thinking about life's meaning which i found quite liberating"

unique ideas

"this book is fascinating viktor e frankl documents some of the horrendous events he and people who were held in concentration camps had to go through and also share with us some unique ideas about man's ability to withstand any amount of pain and suffering if he he can place a good enough reason or purpose for enduring it"

life wisdom

"i wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone in search of increased life wisdom and improved mental strength"

personal development

"this book was an excellant read and as a practitioner in mental health i feel it not only enhances professional practice but also improves personal development"

affirming book

"it is a deeply insightful and life affirming book"

psychological fortitude

"frankl’s emphasis on psychological fortitude and composition as the deciding factor between survival and death in the nazi death camps gives a startlingly optimistic outlook on humanity given the situation"

greater impact

"this book has had a greater impact on my life than any other"

imaginative type

"it will have you in tears if you are the imaginative type as you really travel through his thoughts"

look forward

"i enjoyed it when i read it a couple of years ago and look forward to reading again"

human body

"what the human body & mind can sustain is remarkable"

valuable lessons

"this book was recommended by anthony robins great book lots of valuable lessons"

inspiration book

"great inspiration book short and an eye opener"

powerful observations

"powerful observations and well worth reading"

really weighty

"an easy read of a really weighty subject"

very quick

"i though the book was thicker but it's a very quick read"

more perfect

"thank you amazon you did it again need i say more perfect"

outstanding books

"this is one of the outstanding books from human history to salvage such profound insights from the abyss of a concentration camp is truly one of the most courageous acts i have come across"

five stars

"five stars!"

valuable insights

"there are some valuable insights into the human condition or at least i thought so"

elegant book

"he sets them out in this brief and elegant book"

human nature

"i would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in human nature and our desire to find meaning in this world"

special mentor

"i feel a winner now and am grateful for a special mentor who gave me her copy to learn wisdom"

profound insights

"this is one of the outstanding books from human history to salvage such profound insights from the abyss of a concentration camp is truly one of the most courageous acts i have come across"

first insight

"my first insight into logotheraphy fascinating"

relevant today

"this is a quite extraordinary book that remains as relevant today as when it was written"

inspirational read

"inspirational read"

truly rewarding

"i found this book a sincerely insightful and truly rewarding read"

helping people

"folliwing his experience of being in the camps he then returned to his profession of being a psychoanalyst and psychiatrist and he developed logotherapy which focues on helping people to find the purpose and meaning of their own"

more positive

"excellent book very informative helps you see the real world in a more positive way"

modern wonders

"how viktor frankl came through what he did with his soul so pure is just one of the modern wonders of the world"

worthy read

"worthy read"

beautiful read

"beautiful read that puts life in perspective"

strong tale

"in man's search for meaning victor frankl starts off by sharing a strong tale about his experiences as a concentration camp prisoner during ww2"

very helpful

"very helpful reading it on the kindle as well to be able to easily look up the long and more technical words i didn't quite understand!"

good information

"good information"

great book

"great book was recommended"

good condition

"very good condition arrived on time "

excellant read

"this book was an excellant read and as a practitioner in mental health i feel it not only enhances professional practice but also improves personal development"

very honest

"it is very honest and portrays an image of how vile and emasculating the camps were"

very moving

"there are two parts to this book: the first is a very moving account of the author's time in auschwitz concentration camp while the second part is about his psychotherapy technique logotherapy "

very interesting

"very interesting perspectives!"

good value

"good quality good value of money i’m happy"

beautiful story

"beautiful story full of lessons for life"

excellent thought

"excellent thought provoking book"

very relevant

"i think this book is very relevant for today !"

sincere guide

"this disertation does offer the reader a sincere guide to understanding if not defining an alternative to despair and frustration"

being touched

"having been given this book as a present it sat on my book shelf for a long time without being touched"

book inspiring

"this is wonderful book inspiring and wise"

fantastic read

"a fantastic read and learning curve"

overtly poetic

"book is succint and not overtly poetic which makes it perfect as it distills wisdom in maneagable doses"

amazing book

"amazing book"

self help book

"simply the best self help book i've read"

excellent book

"excellent book"

well worth

"well worth reading"

well constructed

"it offers perspective and a well constructed theory that we can only seek meaning in our own truth in every moment rather than in life in its entirety"

excellent read

"excellent read!"

totally absorbing

"totally absorbing"

most courageous

"this is one of the outstanding books from human history to salvage such profound insights from the abyss of a concentration camp is truly one of the most courageous acts i have come across"

uplifting story

"this book is a matter of fact account of frankl's personal experiences and is ultimately an uplifting story of human spiritual triumph in the face of overwhelming callousness"

clear and precise

"some insights from the book itself: *freedom to choose one's own attitude in any given set of circumstances your own way of dealing things *emotion which is suffering ceases to be suffering as soon as we form a clear and precise picture of it "

extremely helpful

"i also found his case studies from his professional life extremely helpful"

great minds

"viktor frankl is up there with the great minds of our time"

very happy

"bought for my son and he is very happy with it"

most heart

"one of the most heart breaking inspiring reads"

easy to read

"very easy to read"

awesome book

"awesome book quite a quick read but very interesting"

expertly delivered

"the second half though was the kind of reading you want to frame every page loaded with psychological insights and expertly delivered"

interesting read

"an interesting read"

recommend wholeheartedly

"it is one that i would recommend wholeheartedly"

personal experiences

"using his personal experiences the author ofers illustrate the alternative to succumbing to defeat"

professional guidance

"who value professional guidance in this objective"

best seller

"thats why they say is one of the best seller"

more meaningful

"this a must for everyone who wants to live a more meaningful life"

excellent condition

"came i'm excellent condition and it is an amazing inspiring read will defiantly teach you a lot"

more solidly

"he does manage to convey the main concepts to people not only vaguely familiar with various psychotherapeutic approaches but people more solidly grounded may find it a bit airy it is certainly no scientific treatise "

recommendation list

"i came across this book by way of a jordan peterson recommendation list and very happy to have done so"

interesting commentary

"an interesting commentary on human existence"

thoughtful exploration

"inspirational and thoughtful exploration of the strength of the human mind in the face of suffering at the hands of other humans"

psychological survival

"it is a book about psychological survival in the face of overwhelming suffering"

with depth

"another emotionally charged book with depth and learning for everyone"

nice perspective

"logotherapy and its application gives a nice perspective"

even better

"even better price!"

self fulfillment

"from conditions of despair to hope survival and self fulfillment"

giving the tools

"there’s a lot of good applicable advice in this book and it can also help by giving the tools to deal with suffering"

linking this

"one could say that the nazis gave meaning to their lives however the price for a huge number of people was extremely high so linking this to ethics and the good of society is crucial"

taking both together

"i read this the day after reading anne frank’s diary of a young girl and would advise taking both together"

deeply moving

"i found this book to be deeply moving"

uplifting book

"excellent uplifting book!"

more powerful

"the writing style is un ostentatious and more powerful for it"

great people

"when anyone moans over anything trivial get them to read this book to understand what real suffering is and how great people deal with it"

biographical works

"it is well written and though maybe not quite in the class of primo levi it is still one of the best biographical works on this subject that i have read"

20th century great

"mr frankl was truly ahead of his time and he is 20th century great"

seems right

"this seems right: i dare say you don't see much neuroticism in modern day somalia either though i do quite like the idea of obsessive compulsive mogadishan parents pushing their kids into extra cello lessons"

survival instincts

"i am fairly new to the concepts of logotherapy but it was extremely refreshing to read about psychological theories and psychotherapies that accept we are more than the sum of our childhood experiences and survival instincts and this book introduces those ideas well"

affirming makes sense

"life affirming makes sense and is clear and easy to follow"

highly recommended

"highly recommended book"

wheelchair user

"i have my challenges being disabled from birth and a wheelchair user this book made me feel i am valued and to value myself"

particularly moving

"i also found the account of life in a concentration camp particularly moving"

interesting perspective

"interesting perspective on life"

insightful and positive

"such an insightful and positive book"

helping employees

"the mindset it helps build i'm now referring to when helping employees with anxiety bullys and most problems they have in life"

would recommend

"would recommend!"

moving and inspiring

"i would like to sit and read it in one read but it is too moving and inspiring to do that i need to try and enter into what the author is saying and try to make some sense of man's inhumanity to man!"

distills wisdom

"book is succint and not overtly poetic which makes it perfect as it distills wisdom in maneagable doses"

intense read

"the first half is quite an intense read for me although the focus is not on the day to day experience but rather the mental side"

fantastic content

"fantastic content if you haven't yet read this then read this"

really necessary

"a really necessary book if you have read "if this is a man" by primo levi you'll have a measure for this book"

written beautifully

"it is written beautifully by victor frankl a survivor of auschwitz and its important the world gets to hear his story"

truly enrapturing read

"a truly enrapturing read taking one inside one's mentality having experienced such an horrific inner occasion but giving counsel on surviving such experience"

gets stronger

"endorsing what one encounters through their life it has a potential that one gets stronger having encountered such traversty and becomes better able and equipped to assist others who encounter the same events"

much better

"reading about the holocaust from a 1st person's point of view helped put this in much better perspective"

uplifting read

"a harrowing but at the same time uplifting read which in common with books on the same subject provides further evidence if more were needed of man's ability to inflict unbelievable cruelty on his fellow human beings"

lucky and fortunate

"it really helps put things in perspective forcing you to consider how lucky and fortunate you are"

technique logotherapy

"there are two parts to this book: the first is a very moving account of the author's time in auschwitz concentration camp while the second part is about his psychotherapy technique logotherapy "

little brief

"i would have liked a little more as i felt the account was maybe a little brief"

definitely worth reading

"a short book definitely worth reading"

practical approach

"the second is more a technical practical approach to find meaning in one's life"

read insightful

"good read insightful and puts things into perspective"

wrenching book

"a heart wrenching book about one mans life and what he has witnessed"

strength and courage

"yet when i finally opened it i found it full of strength and courage"

recommend this

"i recommend this to literally everyone i know who reads at all"

wartime experience

"viktor frankl's wartime experience in concentration camps led him to the realisation that no matter what they do to you they cannot actually control your response: you have the choice of how you react how you think about what happens to you"

mental strength

"i wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone in search of increased life wisdom and improved mental strength"

give thanks

"and after being released in 1945 although depersonalised by the awful conditions there 3 weeks later he was able to say" i give thanks to god who has led me to a spacious place""

very insightful

"very insightful"

totally amazing

"wow what a totally amazing book"

very thoughtful

"a very thoughtful philosophical take on life suffering hope and healing"

nazi concentration camp

"it describes victor frankl's personal experience in a nazi concentration camp and the development of his logos theory from his observations during that time"

conditions of despair

"from conditions of despair to hope survival and self fulfillment"

more psychological

"this book gives you a more psychological insight in the sufferings of the jews in wwii told from experiences of dr frank himself"

modern classics

"the first hand account is certainly insightful and well worth reading probably a bit less poetic but just as deeply felt as something like one day in the life of ivan denisovich penguin modern classics "

anecdotal observations

"frankl uses his anecdotal observations to propose what was in its day a revolutionary psychology: it isn't our primal physical urges which determine our behaviour with intellectual constructions being mere epiphenomenal by products freud would have it that love for example was a spin off of the deeper primal sexual urge but the other way round: it is the intellectual content the *meaning* of our lives that shapes and drives our behaviour and crucially our happiness"

really appreciate life

"be inspired and learn you really appreciate life"

reflective search

"reading this book was as much a reflective search of my own quest for meaning as learning about the unthinkable and ghastly things which happened in the concentration camps during world war ii"

auschwitz survivor

"it is written by an auschwitz survivor who tested everything he proposes in the staggeringly terrible hell of concentration camps"

casts an objective

"other than that it is a great read which casts an objective eye on a period of history some would rather forget"

frankl presents

"his sincere story helps set a credible stage for the second part of the book through which frankl presents and explains the core concepts of logotherapy his own school of psychotherapy"

great read

"great read"

severe trauma

""to live is to suffer to survive is to find meaning in the suffering" "he who has a why to live can bear with almost any how" i have witnessed these two quotes in action with so many people who have experienced severe trauma in their lives many from within the military veterans community"

real disappointment

"this book however was a real disappointment"

most awful

"it tells the true story of how human beings survive in the most awful circumstances"

term cancer

"i didn't intend to review this book just specifically for this reason but recently in my own life i have had a diagnosis that my long term cancer which was in remission has metastasised to lungs liver and bones and i am now in the 'endgame' which may be a couple of years or perhaps four or so years long"

utterly dull

"the second part about logotherapy was utterly dull & unclear despite me having studied many schools of psychotherapy in my training "

greatest catastrophe

"where it challenges the meaning of good and evil in a way that only humanitys greatest catastrophe could do so"

terrible conditions

"the first section where he describes his time in a concentration camp and the ways that he and his fellow inmates attempted to cope with the terrible conditions is extremely good"

most dire circumstances

"well written book illuminates many aspects of human nature and calls into question can in even the most dire circumstances meaning be found?"

less compelling

"the 2nd part of the book which is less compelling is a summary of logotherapy a tenet of which is that even unavoidable suffering has a certain meaning in life"

negative events

"it is one that every single person should own and read because after you have read it you realise that misfortune and all the negative events of your life can only touch you to a certain extent: you have the ability to decide what your response will be"

overloaded emotionally

"the book is also not overloaded emotionally which allows for a focus of course it's up to the reader to choose the topic of focus but this books surely offers a few"

harsh conditions

"he is clearly mentally resilient and robust to find a way of dealing with the harsh conditions of a slaughter camp called auschwitz without being dehumanised"

overly empathic

"i thought it would be a traumatic read overly empathic response too immersed in the emotive horrors"

very unsettling

"i'd thought myself somewhat desensitised to depictions of the holocaust but frankl's matter of fact and rancour free prose proved very unsettling"

despicable acts

"and as if to prove the point of man's inability to learn anything from history is the fact that i read it as conflicts in the world continue to demonstrate man's contempt for human life and of the suffering endured by those whose skin colour or beliefs marks them out for despicable acts of inhuman behaviour"

times neuroses

"secondly despair and depression are not at all correlated with the experience of adversity but if anything inversely so: in our modern plentiful and comfortable times neuroses are legion"

holocaust memoirs

"i’ve read many holocaust memoirs & this is the driest most dispassionate by far"

extreme persecution

"a read for all to be aware and understand how far extreme persecution can go and for what?"

through hell

"this man went through hell and yet still is an inspiration he has made me see i can still have to make my own contribution to the world no matter how small"

very trivial

"it keeps a perspective on our own very trivial sufferings"

detrimental circumstance

"more an inspirational tale of over coming detrimental circumstance"

tragic optimism

"to clarify the book is composed of three different parts: the first one the original tale of what living in a concentration camp was the second one a gentle introduction to logotherapy and the third one about tragic optimism "

loss bereavement

"this is a must read book for anyone suffering from extreme despair loss bereavement torture emotional deprivation childhood abuse and the privations of war natural disaster and the like"

fruitless frivolous

"it highlights the reality of a vast swathe oh people whose search for meaning is simply scorned as fruitless frivolous and with ultimate irony meaningless"

been difficult

"this must have been difficult given the subject"

detached prose

"but actually it’s a detached prose insofar as a scientist who lives his unchosen experiment can write which signifies the importance of finding meaning in life"

most horrendous

"the particular significance of this book is in respect of this observations on the human condition during the most horrendous of circumstances"

inhuman behaviour

"and as if to prove the point of man's inability to learn anything from history is the fact that i read it as conflicts in the world continue to demonstrate man's contempt for human life and of the suffering endured by those whose skin colour or beliefs marks them out for despicable acts of inhuman behaviour"

concentration camps

"it was one of the first books written that described life in the concentration camps in ww2 with in the second part frankl's theories on why some people survived the labour camps as opposed to the death camps where many were sent to be murdered obviously while others didn't"

does n't truly

"but all the same this seems to me a plausible explanation for modern melancholy: who these days isn't continually and forcibly preoccupied with things he or she doesn't truly value?"

surviving suffering

"frankel discovered in the camp that the key to surviving suffering is to find meaning in the suffering and to design for yourself an ultimate goal in life that you focus on to get through the suffering a must read for anyone experiencing ongoing suffering or depression"

shallow therapies

"in today's world full of shallow therapies like cbt logotherapy is goes to the root cause"

seem complicated

"it enlightens the reader with very simple and logical answers to questions that seem complicated"

brutal regimes

"a warning from history of brutal regimes"

almost dead

"my uncle was taken by the nazis and was almost dead due to typhus when the camp at dachau was liberated"

sick minded

"a heart breaking journey for but just one man but thousands in their ordeal and uneccesary suffering inflicted by a sick minded and his officers frankl gives meaning to the darkest days a man can fall upon"

gruesome experiences

"the book itself is divided into three parts starting with a first hand account of frankl's gruesome experiences in various concentration camps in ww2 continuing with 'logotherapy in a nutshell' where the approach is explained in more depth and ending with an essay on logotherapy adapted from his speech at the 3rd logtherapy congress in 1983 if memory serves "

plausible explanation

"but all the same this seems to me a plausible explanation for modern melancholy: who these days isn't continually and forcibly preoccupied with things he or she doesn't truly value?"

were doomed

"his book chronicles his experiences as a concentration camp inmate and describes how he used his psychiatry psychotherapy skills to guide himself and the other holocaust victims to survive their mental suffering in the death camps those who had lost faith in the future their future were doomed"

slightly rushed

"i would say towards the end of logotherapy it is slightly rushed and requires rewind often"

very least

"it is a book that is guaranteed to challenge your thinking or at the very least make you relook at existing assumptions"

watery soup

"a life where death was a daily possibility and the only food dome watery soup"

anyone suffering

"this is a must read book for anyone suffering from extreme despair loss bereavement torture emotional deprivation childhood abuse and the privations of war natural disaster and the like"

very uncomfortable

"this was at times a very uncomfortable read however just when i thought i couldn't read anymore something took hold of me and wanted me to carry on"

dehumanizing experience

"frankl opens your eyes to a dehumanizing experience and provides an insight into his thoughts and processes that led onto his famous logo therapy"

holocaust theme

"the second section a treatise on his own method of treating psychiatric patients ‘logotherapy’ seems an odd addition to the work and somewhat irrelevant to the holocaust theme in a lot of areas but ultimately ties in to the first half quite well if you stick it out"

quite outdated

"the first part is mainly the account of frankl's experience in the camp and the second part was more of an account of the theory behind his logotherapy may get a bit technical for a lay readership and is theoretically quite outdated but still interesting as a historical account of his ideas and the thinking behind his approach"

irrelevant information

"great book that does not sound self righteous or drones on about irrelevant information while still putting its message across very well would highly recommend this book it helped me rethink my personal view on some things in life"

slaughter camp

"he is clearly mentally resilient and robust to find a way of dealing with the harsh conditions of a slaughter camp called auschwitz without being dehumanised"

rather thin

"this is a rather thin book"

traumatic read

"i thought it would be a traumatic read overly empathic response too immersed in the emotive horrors"

much smaller

"as he overcame the trauma he’d seen and experienced so i use my much smaller traumatic experience to push me on to greater better things"

mental suffering

"his book chronicles his experiences as a concentration camp inmate and describes how he used his psychiatry psychotherapy skills to guide himself and the other holocaust victims to survive their mental suffering in the death camps those who had lost faith in the future their future were doomed"

beaten to death

"the author describes how many just gave up either committing suicide or passively waiting to be beaten to death"

some discrepancies

"furthermore after looking into the biography of the author there seems to be some discrepancies between his account of his time in concentration camps and the written records which remain unexplained and this casts doubts over the honesty and aim of this book"

turbulent time

"an insight into a turbulent time"

much heavy reading

"i found towards the end of the book it was too much heavy reading and the psyhcology was way over my head so much so it became boring"

remain unexplained

"furthermore after looking into the biography of the author there seems to be some discrepancies between his account of his time in concentration camps and the written records which remain unexplained and this casts doubts over the honesty and aim of this book"

paradoxical intention

"only criticism i would have is that i am not fully convinced the idea of paradoxical intention always works"

would be overwhelming

"i was hesitant to read this book as i thought the negativity would be overwhelming but as much as it dealt with many negative themes these where countered by the overall positive message"

generic answer

"don’t expect to find a generic answer to “meaning” as you might expect"

lost faith

"his book chronicles his experiences as a concentration camp inmate and describes how he used his psychiatry psychotherapy skills to guide himself and the other holocaust victims to survive their mental suffering in the death camps those who had lost faith in the future their future were doomed"

lost their

"not as sad as one might think loved the overall message will recommend this to anyone going through a rough time of anyone who has lost their way"

losing the will

"they let themselves decline and became subject to mental and physical decay eventually losing the will to live"

non exhaustive every page

"the manner of presentation is non exhaustive every page surprisingly is giving a different take on something i thought i know of sufficiency well for a 3d question or at least am familiar with through works of other classics on the subject not necessarily the subject of holocaust but the subject of similar ugly historical events of equivalent scale that also touch on the murder of the soul and 'the what happens after' like experiences described during russian revolution s "

treading through

"it was like treading through mud!"

more gravely

"anecdotally meanings are more likely to count as profound and compelling the more gravely connected with the "tragic triad" of pain guilt and death they are no shortage therefore at auschwitz "

contradict others

"this means that few things are properly defined that some definitions contradict others and that only a few simple cases of the success of the approach are presented"

attitude forever

"if you ever think you're having a hard time read this book it'll change your mind and attitude forever"

through the suffering

"frankel discovered in the camp that the key to surviving suffering is to find meaning in the suffering and to design for yourself an ultimate goal in life that you focus on to get through the suffering a must read for anyone experiencing ongoing suffering or depression"

suffer to survive

""to live is to suffer to survive is to find meaning in the suffering" "he who has a why to live can bear with almost any how" i have witnessed these two quotes in action with so many people who have experienced severe trauma in their lives many from within the military veterans community"

ruin your life

"it makes you realise that your problems today which seem to either rule or ruin your life are so insignificant"

shall read it again

"i have read this book twice and shall read it again"

uneccesary suffering

"a heart breaking journey for but just one man but thousands in their ordeal and uneccesary suffering inflicted by a sick minded and his officers frankl gives meaning to the darkest days a man can fall upon"

unavoidable suffering

"the 2nd part of the book which is less compelling is a summary of logotherapy a tenet of which is that even unavoidable suffering has a certain meaning in life"

significant trauma

"as cliched as it may sound it helped me through my difficulties and it's not like a preachy self help book but written by someone who really has been through significant trauma and come out the other side"

traumatic experience

"as he overcame the trauma he’d seen and experienced so i use my much smaller traumatic experience to push me on to greater better things"

n't truly value

"this may perhaps be a little self fulfilling and neurosis may be a product of existential frustration in other words the confounding of one's own quest for meaning through preoccupation with things you don't truly value : frankl cites a senior american diplomat who sought treatment from depression arising from discontent with his working life"

difficult time

"if you're going through a difficult time it really helps you to see how people deal with struggle and can reframe it"

awful treatment

"at times the author explained in depth and very well the reasons why people seemed to go along with the awful treatment being put on them and effects of being freed"

most severe

"it explains how with a purpose for life even if only imaginary can help you overcome the most severe situation"

disliking the author

"impossible to read without disliking the author so abandoned it early on"

through your head

"as someone who struggles to get to sleep this is not always possible because you have a 1000 other thoughts going through your head keeping you awake"

almost daily battle

"i have a history of depression and anxiety and look towards 'self help' books to inspire my almost daily battle!"

focused commentary

"the style is typical of its time many decades ago the end of the book is concerned less with the recounting of his experiences during the war and more with academic practice focused commentary"

leave it so long

"don't leave it so long"

extreme trauma

"just amazed at the resilience that can be drawn upon in times of extreme trauma"

negative themes

"i was hesitant to read this book as i thought the negativity would be overwhelming but as much as it dealt with many negative themes these where countered by the overall positive message"

driest most dispassionate

"i’ve read many holocaust memoirs & this is the driest most dispassionate by far"

painful holocaust story

"not a painful holocaust story more a book of hope and a practical guide to an incredibly useful psychology logotherapy "

not undergo psychotherapy

"frankl's advice was not undergo psychotherapy but to change his job to something he cared more about!"

emotive horrors

"i thought it would be a traumatic read overly empathic response too immersed in the emotive horrors"

long and arduous

"i can only feel a sense of relief from my long and arduous task of understanding purpose and meaning in life"

make it uncomfortable

"it is well written with sufficient details not to make it uncomfortable due to the topic dealt with"

little selfish

"makes me sound a little selfish"

never happen again

"may these atrocities never happen again"

doom and gloom

"the book is not all doom and gloom as the author takes you on a journey of discovery of how positive thinking can change how you feel on the inside which goes on to change your outlook of the outside situation"

it's not for everyone

"having said that it's not for everyone"

abandoned it early

"impossible to read without disliking the author so abandoned it early on"

pleasant stuff

"a good read though not pleasant stuff"

very little else

"a validation as i said above of a deep seated confusion in my and many other's lives i suspect mainly how to thrive or even be recognised as legitimate in a society that values measurable achievement and very little else"

could not put it down

"could not put it down"

camp inmate

"his book chronicles his experiences as a concentration camp inmate and describes how he used his psychiatry psychotherapy skills to guide himself and the other holocaust victims to survive their mental suffering in the death camps those who had lost faith in the future their future were doomed"

camp expereince

"this book by victor frankl is one of the most important books ever written coming out of his concentration camp expereince in the war he has been able to distill the very essence of human behaviour and existence in a way that is as relevant now as it was then"

very disappointing

"very disappointing"

subject of holocaust

"the manner of presentation is non exhaustive every page surprisingly is giving a different take on something i thought i know of sufficiency well for a 3d question or at least am familiar with through works of other classics on the subject not necessarily the subject of holocaust but the subject of similar ugly historical events of equivalent scale that also touch on the murder of the soul and 'the what happens after' like experiences described during russian revolution s "

struggling with life

"for anyway struggling with life on life's terms there is always meaning to get through your struggles for "

many schools

"the second part about logotherapy was utterly dull & unclear despite me having studied many schools of psychotherapy in my training "

like no other

"this testimonial of the holocaust is well written engaging and helps you empathise with the position of all the people who were tortured and killed in concentration camps during wwii like no other has done before"

could not stop reading

"this was my first book in this area and find it could not stop reading it"

these atrocities

"may these atrocities never happen again"

darkest days

"a heart breaking journey for but just one man but thousands in their ordeal and uneccesary suffering inflicted by a sick minded and his officers frankl gives meaning to the darkest days a man can fall upon"

through your struggles

"for anyway struggling with life on life's terms there is always meaning to get through your struggles for "

setting of the holocaust

"the setting of the holocaust gives the book and the author huge credibility"

never thought

"being written from a holocaust survivor frankl's guilt and tales of survival give a truly unique perspective on a tragedy that left me with feelings i never thought could be there"

n't really matter

"reading it makes you feel humble at the way we today complain about the small things in life which don't really matter"

horrific side

"the book is in two parts the first part details his time in concentration camps not from the horrific side of the camp but more his mental ability to endure the harsh unremitting life in them and that of others"

no reference to ethics

"there is no reference to ethics"

what i expected

"i did not like the book not what i expected"

ugly historical events

"the manner of presentation is non exhaustive every page surprisingly is giving a different take on something i thought i know of sufficiency well for a 3d question or at least am familiar with through works of other classics on the subject not necessarily the subject of holocaust but the subject of similar ugly historical events of equivalent scale that also touch on the murder of the soul and 'the what happens after' like experiences described during russian revolution s "

wwii holocaust

"dr frankel was a neurologist brain surgeon and psychiatrist of jewish ethnicity and survivor of the wwii holocaust"

difficult and major

"interesting analysis of humans and how we deal with difficult and major life events"

despair and depression

"now in modern times people with all the benefits and material comforts of affluence succumb to despair and depression"

mans inhumanity

"its a tale of mans inhumanity to man and the horrors of being a victim in a concentration camp during the second world war"

road map for recovery

"brilliant book and provides a road map for recovery for truly difficult times"

n't actually realised

"i knew that this book would be affecting and impactful but i hadn’t actually realised how"

harsh unremitting life

"the book is in two parts the first part details his time in concentration camps not from the horrific side of the camp but more his mental ability to endure the harsh unremitting life in them and that of others"

complain about

"it has made me realise i had little to complain about and that logo therapy was perfect"

holocaust survivor book

"it has the subheader 'the classic tribute of hope from the holocaust' however this is not just a holocaust survivor book"

became this book

"he reluctantly agreed to write a script which as we know became this book"

from the holocaust

"it has the subheader 'the classic tribute of hope from the holocaust' however this is not just a holocaust survivor book"

Top positive statements

Statement Strength**
"Excellent profound and timeless." 100.0%
"Absolutely recommend." 99.3%
"An excellent read quite profound." 94.0%
"Utterly superb simple and brilliant." 93.1%
"Amazing book gave me some great insights in human behaviour." 93.1%
"Frankl's reflections on his experience are amazing and his work to help others through Logotherapy is astounding." 93.1%
"One of the most amazing books I have read." 93.1%
"Human capacity is incredible at every level." 93.1%

Top negative statements

Statement Strength
no data!

Top rated in Science & Nature

2. Man's Search For Meaning: The classic tribute to hope from..

 [Senti score 88.9%]

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Positive mentions

Mentioned Object Mentioned in Strength
Viktor Frankle
"i liked the humility and thoughtful reasoning of Viktor Frankle"

Negative mentions

Mentioned Object Mentioned in Strength
CBT Logotherapy
"in today's world full of shallow therapies like CBT Logotherapy is goes to the root cause"

Emotion analysis

Positive tone

Neutral tone

Negative tone

40.7% 21.2% 38.1%
  neutral 20.9%
  worry 18.3%
  happiness 17.5%
  sadness 15.2%
  fun 6.3%
  relief 5.7%
  surprise 4.3%
  joy 3.2%
  love 2.6%
  fear 2.3%
  anger 2.3%
  enthusiasm 1.1%
  empty 0.3%

* analysis performed using Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, data for the analysis has been gathered from multiple publicly accessible sources.
** strength is the level of sentiment expressed in a sentence, phrase or keyword. It ranges from 0 to 100%
prices and sales statistics are updated daily

last analysis update 2025-02-25